Need clarifications regarding batting in ck5

Thanks mates,

Yesterday i copied "Field editor files" into my system. Whenever i clicked the field editor it is asking for some dll. When i tried to extract "". My system crashed. It made me to install winxp2 again. so i am very scared to install any of the patches. What could be the problem in extracting "".

I want to change the field position of open6 and open10, bcoz only for these field settings the ball is going straight to the fielders in mid off and mid on. I am playing multiplayer with my friend. Everytime he is balling the line where we can hit either straight or to backfoot coverdrive. Backfoot coverdrive is not that good in ck5. So please can anybody tell me wht should i install to change field settings and if possible patch which solves backfoot coverdrive and cut shots.

Yesterday i copied field editor files to my system. When i started to extract "", my system got struck. When i tried for 3 times, it made me to install winxp2 again. so i am very scared to install any other patches.

My problem is only with field positions open6 and open10 for fast bowler. I am playing with my friend. He bowls the balls which can be played either to mid off or backfoot coverdrive. Everytime when i hit straight it is going straight into the hands of fielders and back foot cover drive is not good in ck5. So i need a patch by which i can change field positions. If possible a patch in which backfoot cover drive, cut shots can be played when good timing is there.

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