No Requests ~Neer's GFX~

My strength is.....

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  • anca.png
    4.4 KB · Views: 725
  • cr7awesome.png
    3.6 KB · Views: 929
  • ddg.png
    4.1 KB · Views: 713
  • ft9.png
    34.2 KB · Views: 560
  • schweiniCM.png
    15 KB · Views: 536
  • thory.png
    3.1 KB · Views: 51
  • wanaroooo.png
    3.9 KB · Views: 690
De gea's will look more better without text.
In Torre's sig, font size is too small plus font choice is not good. Background does not suits there.
Scwein's is just a fantastic piece from all your works.
Other are just average.
Well...I see that again...You are overdping lights and a lil bit of fx a bit...That gives the stock a blackish tinge..,,you should work a lil bit on that.Torres is awespme...lacks text.

You make much better avas.KIU and good luck! :)
Really like few of the results but you seem to be back on the overdone stuff. The both signatures were good but as I said before try not to get to many things going on around the render. Otherwise great work. :clap
Really loved the wallpaper, if you still have the PSD can you make another version but without that rain effect, or is it just the stock? :clap
Rain effect.
Apply image of yur work
Add noise-400*, desaturate it.. motion blur 150. blend mode-screen or s.light.
use curves of that layer.;)
Remove the rain effect :p..that spoils the show.
DDG looks fabulous,the lighting on his head!...try to work on lighting position.
Keep it UP!:clap
Wallpaper is nice,good choice of colors and nice blending there.David sig is probably your best.More than your works I love your spirit/attitude,your so damn helpful and good in nature keep that up for a lifetime.For icons,place the stock well and no need of text in them unless you feel there's a need.Go with simple but effective effects try not to overdo them,selective color would help in this.Go through tutorials on sportgfx,they're good to go with.Great luck bro,do well.

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