New Patch now available for PC, PS4 (1.07) & Xbox One (

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OK, i'll take your word for it. I will probably need to check what mentalities are set up - i used @wasteyouryouth ashes 1993 teams, and Taylor went off like a rocket (12 in the first over) and Slater batted out 2 maidens and got off the mark on his 17th ball smashing a full middle stump ball over fine leg for 6...

What did you used to tell me about sample sizes?

Set Finch and Maxwell to aggressive, and Renshaw and Handscomb to conservative or precise and see if you notice a difference :)

I love the new batting timing but can't play anything without my swing back.
What did you used to tell me about sample sizes?

Set Finch and Maxwell to aggressive, and Renshaw and Handscomb to conservative or precise and see if you notice a difference :)

now this is true... mea culpa!

i may have noticed it in AI bowling too, now i think of it, and i would have to check the attributes of the players concerned to be sure...
The batting timing is not unnatural....

Instead of crying about swing just change the sliders. The swing on default sliders is now based on the ground weather and damage to the floor.

Here's the thing about timing while batting, (and this is purely my opinion, I'm not saying this is objectively the right way to do it) :
When you're actually batting (i.e. playing the game of cricket in real life), you're looking at the point of release to be in position to hit the ball. But if you're waiting for it to pitch before you put your shot in action, it's already too late, the ball travels quickly, giving you no time at that point to strike the ball. The previous timing method, emulated the approach of triggering the shot at the point of release, and thus was more natural than the current approach.

Now the latter may eventually prove to be just as good over time, but the previous timing method was just fine! I can't think of why someone would want to change it.
now this is true... mea culpa!

i may have noticed it in AI bowling too, now i think of it, and i would have to check the attributes of the players concerned to be sure...

Oh definitely, I think Cook is Brute unless you change things!
Now the latter may eventually prove to be just as good over time, but the previous timing method was just fine! I can't think of why someone would want to change it.

Because you couldn't watch the ball even halfway down the pitch before you picked a shot. At realistic speeds the window was only just out of the hand.
Oh definitely, I think Cook is Brute unless you change things!

i don't play with those teams... retro all the way :)

so i was batting against south africa 84...

Garth Le Roux, Brute, High-skills including accuracy
Stephen Jefferies, Conservative, med-skills low accuracy
Clive Rice, Conservative, good skills, high accuracy

Plenty of variety in length from Le Roux and attacking the stumps; much less from Jefferies and Rice, and Jefferies definitely sprayed it more. Rice bowled very steady line and length. So here goes my first good word about the patch, that is excellent if that is borne out by further play, and @WealeyH I retract the bit where I said i didn't see the mentalities/attributes.

@wasteyouryouth indeed, Taylor Conservative, Slater Balanced. Didn't feel that way when Taylor took Caddick to all parts, and played and missed several booming drives.
i don't play with those teams... retro all the way :)

so i was batting against south africa 84...

Garth Le Roux, Brute, High-skills including accuracy
Stephen Jefferies, Conservative, med-skills low accuracy
Clive Rice, Conservative, good skills, high accuracy

Plenty of variety in length from Le Roux and attacking the stumps; much less from Jefferies and Rice, and Jefferies definitely sprayed it more. Rice bowled very steady line and length. So here goes my first good word about the patch, that is excellent if that is borne out by further play, and @WealeyH I retract the bit where I said i didn't see the mentalities/attributes.

@wasteyouryouth indeed, Taylor Conservative, Slater Balanced. Didn't feel that way when Taylor took Caddick to all parts, and played and missed several booming drives.

Oh there is a lot to love about the patch, nearly all of it. I don't know how you can play without swing though. I hope you don't have Hadlee in any of your teams?

To test mentalities I've just had Finch and Renshaw opening up for Aus in the post sandpaper world. It's pretty obvious. Sometimes Cook will rattle along because they have the field up for him at the start, but it doesn't feel un-authentic.
Oh there is a lot to love about the patch, nearly all of it. I don't know how you can play without swing though. I hope you don't have Hadlee in any of your teams?

not yet i don't but he would be if there was long term life in the game

no swing will be a deal breaker, but i find the excessive, regular seam equally bad. they are very very hard to see past because they're fundamental to either discipline, so even the mentality stuff passed me by first go... it's only thinking about it after that you go "that was there after all".

it's like if you're walking in the street and someone randomly smashes their knee into your nut sack, it might be an hour or two before you realise they were wearing a nice coat...
not yet i don't but he would be if there was long term life in the game

no swing will be a deal breaker, but i find the excessive, regular seam equally bad. they are very very hard to see past because they're fundamental to either discipline, so even the mentality stuff passed me by first go... it's only thinking about it after that you go "that was there after all".

it's like if you're walking in the street and someone randomly smashes their knee into your nut sack, it might be an hour or two before you realise they were wearing a nice coat...

Yeah I can live with the seam at the moment. The nonexistent swing I can't though. I feel it's better to have too much of something than nothing at all but I find it bizarre how it passed everyone by.

Was there no sort of "Let's slip in an inswinger, see if we can beat the bat. Oh wait, that's weird ..."
I may as well weigh in with my thoughts, that'll no doubt get lost in the wash of overreaction and mob rule! Rabble rabble rabble!!!

Played 16 overs on the 1st morning of the 2nd test, England (me) v Pakistan (AI, Hard bat, Hard bowl, Veteran). MASSIVE sample size, easily enough to throw grandiose statement about to say things are broken and anyone on the beta team, associated with the beta team, knows someone on the beta team or can spell the word beta should be buried up to their neck in the desert and set upon by fire ants.

  • Pitch is grassy, hard, uneven, light cracks. I lost the toss and I'm batting.
  • I've been batting in pro mode for a while pre patch, so still doing that without the HUD is nice. I like that feature.
  • Timing wise, I've hit probably 80% of my shots early so far, and one resulted in Cook missing and getting bowled. My timing window is 55 with 100 for input, footwork and shot selection (or whatever the bottom 3 sliders are for batting, I'm away from the console right now)
  • I'm certainly noticing a lack of swing, and a lot of seam. I really like it! Helps that I'm playing in England, but I've longed for more seam movement in this game. Don't get me wrong, some swing would be nice and I'm sure it'll be rectified (desert and fire ants permitting), but getting one to nip away and find an edge, or come back through the gate or jag back and hit the pads should be very satisfying. Perfect. Reminds me of this:

I'm sure Michael Clarke wishes Anderson was still in 1.06 build with no seam movement as well ;)
  • I've got shot power to 18, and I'm struggling to get the ball to the boundary, going at about 2.8 per over. Might need to tinker, but awesome not to just be blasting along at 4+ without really trying.
  • It might be timing related, but I'm really struggling to hook and pull the short ball. Twice an over the Pakistan quicks have put a short ball into the ribs, and a backfoot pull barely beats where leg slip/gully would be. In fact, if the AI put one in, there'd be easy wickets. Quite a few shots hit the bat, then hit the body, then roll away. But also, 1 or 2 have absolutely flown like a bullet and I've struggled to run 1 it's gone so fast to the fielder! I also don't seem to be playing a glance at all, everything is a horizontal bat. Could just be the sample size tho.
  • When I decided to buy Ashes after watching multiple videos online, the very first thing I ever did after the disk went into my PS4 was to turn the commentary off. After hearing in the patch notes the commentary had been worked on, I turned it on. I am happy to say it will be going off and staying off. No thanks Slats haha
That's about it for now. Kid is asleep so I'll go back to playing for a while longer until the wife complains that I'm monopolising the TV and cricket is boring. Is there a way that can be patched out?! :-D

I've somewhat limped to 149-5 after 48 overs, very testing. I'm also very interested to see the AI bat to see if they find this pitch as tricky as I am and 300 is a very good score.

To be honest, patch or no patch, I've enjoyed the cricket I've played tonight. Suppose that's all that matters really, each to their own!
I started the game last night on ps4 and saw it had the update. Applied it and played a few matches.

Have not played for awhile so I was a bit rusty. One thing that had me puzzled was when I was getting the controls right when bowling the AI was bashing me and the times where I was all out of sorts on the controls I was getting dot balls. I did not like that feeling of random being better than trying.

My whole prepatch bowling method of droning on and on with a good line and length and then popping an in or outswinger into the mix and getting a wicket here and there did not work at all. The deliveries just seemed to fly in at random directions. Feels like pushing up on the right stick for delivery is super touchy and if you don’t push it straight up you can get the ball starting on a right or left line of straight no matter which side you pushed up on.

I have played about 3 matches and it’s not become better yet.

Batting wise I am ok but aerial balls seem like suicide most of the time and a baffling one, when I get out in the air to the AI it’s always hit to where they are standing, the 5 times I have caught the AI my player has been running towards the boundary and makes a highlight catch.

Also seeing a distinct lack of driven line drive type shots. Everything is either six height, a floater caught or high arc and then bounce for 4 or a ball along the ground.

Need to play some more and see if things get better.

Really missing the swing. There was definitely more prepatch and even more important it swung based on your controller input. I am feeling more of a disconnect between what I do on the controls and what happens as a result with this patch.
I started the game last night on ps4 and saw it had the update. Applied it and played a few matches.

Have not played for awhile so I was a bit rusty. One thing that had me puzzled was when I was getting the controls right when bowling the AI was bashing me and the times where I was all out of sorts on the controls I was getting dot balls. I did not like that feeling of random being better than trying.

My whole prepatch bowling method of droning on and on with a good line and length and then popping an in or outswinger into the mix and getting a wicket here and there did not work at all. The deliveries just seemed to fly in at random directions. Feels like pushing up on the right stick for delivery is super touchy and if you don’t push it straight up you can get the ball starting on a right or left line of straight no matter which side you pushed up on.

I have played about 3 matches and it’s not become better yet.

Batting wise I am ok but aerial balls seem like suicide most of the time and a baffling one, when I get out in the air to the AI it’s always hit to where they are standing, the 5 times I have caught the AI my player has been running towards the boundary and makes a highlight catch.

Also seeing a distinct lack of driven line drive type shots. Everything is either six height, a floater caught or high arc and then bounce for 4 or a ball along the ground.

Need to play some more and see if things get better.

Really missing the swing. There was definitely more prepatch and even more important it swung based on your controller input. I am feeling more of a disconnect between what I do on the controls and what happens as a result with this patch.

No, no, no, no, no.
According to Llewelyn, Wealey, Snowy etc the bowling is not broken so you can not say this.
I just bowled an over with Anderson.
6 outswingers outside off that all moved back in on the pads.
So enjoyable.
Wonder if we will hear from MattW about whether they are aware of this issue and going to fix it (and not in 6 months time) or whether it will be the silence of the lambs, ignorance is bliss approach.
Know what my guess is.
I used to actually enjoy bowling (apart from the over exaggerated movement of cutters) but it just sucks now. No control over anything. Just random.
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