New Patch now available for PC, PS4 (1.07) & Xbox One (

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To draw a link between Blocker’s ban, and the ‘narrative’ around this game, is so wildly, disgustingly inaccurate it is difficult to comprehend.

His ban had nothing to do with the game.

Moderation is focussed on forum rules, and has never been applied on the grounds of driving a narrative. What an absolutely pathetic post.

If you're allowed to be so derisive, then so can I. Over time others have commented that they find your posts pathetic and disgusting, so I'm in good company Snowy. :wave
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I appreciate that BA wants to make a cricket sandbox and charge a premium what many have address so far.
However with a sandbox there can be many things which can go wrong.
Cant blame the beat tester because surely a different patch went in, all of us have different things they like about the game.
I want to play the next World Cup in England but the host country selection works 1 in 10 times (its even worst)
This game will get better only when small aspects of it works fine.

Surely quality control for BA needs a big look in we all remember DBC17 I paid money for that too and till date feel cheated.
You cant overlook a particular game for other, surely they moved focus to AO Tennis or should i say AO International now.

Blaming will not help anyone us or them, but we all have paid a premium please acknowledge that.
And speak when things are not correct, there is a FB post, Tweet everyday for AO International please care about Ashes Cricket too.

Cause i will put my money in Tennis World Tour simply because BA has not made it and most importantly will not support it.
Guys take a step back. Beta team did a favour by testing. They never got paid, they didnt have to. Without being negative lets enjoy the million positives. I get the frustration i have being there my self. But trust me this get you nothing other then landing you in some peoples ignore list. Thats just not worth anything. I think the patch have taken the game forward. There always can be another patch to fix remaining or new issues. Come on
Dude.. I want to use some great words here.. on the fear of getting banned I will just keep it to myself. If you are not happy with the game get going buddy. Give a bad rating to the game and right one review and leave.. stop being a cry baby.

My view would be to just scrap this game completely. They aren't getting anywhere meaningful with it, problems keep arising with every patch. A public statement explaining that they are putting all their resources into the next game. May not satisfy most, but in its current state nothing is being achieved.
We're aware of the issue and will be looking at a hotfix.

IF that is true, thank you and I apologize sincerely.
I'm sure you don't want something like this ruining the hard work that has gone into the rest of the patch.
Like I said, apart from that, everything else is fine. I like most can probably look beyond the stats issue right now.
I wish the powered cut to mid off was fixed (maybe it can't be, who knows) but apart from this issue the game is good.
It's just this issue (seam/swing) is really frustrating considering I don't think there was any issue with it pre-patch and it ruins the rest of the work done.
We're aware of the issue and will be looking at a hotfix.

I'd also implore you, as far as bowling mechanics and AI batting are concerned, to change nothing at all apart from the swing.

I can't speak for guys who are concerned about batting, about career, and about stats, but bowling at the AI in this current build is by far the closest to the real thing I've seen before in a cricket game, apart from the ball going straight up and down.

Obviously this is easier said than done. You seem to open a hornet's nest in the game when things are changed.
I'd also implore you, as far as bowling mechanics and AI batting are concerned, to change nothing at all apart from the swing.

This is how it is being done, from what matt has said only this for this fix.
That said nature of the game is such that it can have a knockout effect somewhere else. A good part of the beta process is in finding the sweet spot were improvements can be made without it having unwanted effect in other areas and finding the right balance.
This is how it is being done, from what matt has said only this for this fix.
That said nature of the game is such that it can have a knockout effect somewhere else. A good part of the beta process is in finding the sweet spot were improvements can be made without it having unwanted effect in other areas and finding the right balance.

I gathered as much. It's frustrating because it feels like you guys were there, and changing something as major as swing could have any implication really. Like I said earlier, I'd rather see something too evident than not evident enough though. I'm half expecting LBWs to be disabled or there to be 10 ball overs or something absolutely crazy.
If you're allowed to be so derisive, then so can I. Over time others have commented that they find your posts pathetic and disgusting, so I'm in good company Snowy. :wave

There is a difference between derisive, and objective fabrication.

To accuse staff of moderating in such a manner to as to create a narrative on the forum, and to link Blocker’s ban to said narrative, is purely and simply untrue, and based on no fact. Blocker clearly broke forum rules at the time, served his ban, and is now back. He has criticised the patch in his usual way - aggressive, but informed with an understanding of the process and respectful when compared to others. There is no narrative here. It’s the forum rules.

Feedback and criticism is allowed. Posts are not arbitrarily deleted. Forum rules apply. End of.
Swing Swing from the tangles of my heart
Is crushed by a former love.
Can you help me find a way to carry on again?

I've got troubled thoughts,
and the self esteem to match.
What a catch, what a catch ....
I was legitimately trying to enjoy bowling today by thinking that the ECB could come up with such a mental idea like using a tennis ball that in 10 years time, in order to get fat girls in Sunderland behind the game, that swing would eventually be obsolete anyway, and maybe this was some sort of visionary build.
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