New Q&A With Producer Jamie Firth

^ sure I agree, but I still say fire the guys who made the faces and the people who designed the online lobby. Amateur at best there.

When we have pre-teens on PC making a million times better faces using google searches and just their talent/determination/dedication to cricket, it must be beyond embarassing for the graphics people who made the faces for AC09.
I think we still have to see how it is after the patch.
vishal they would be more likely to read your post if the bugs were listed in bullets or some form or organized structure. Not having a go, but you are making some great points, however it is a headache to read the long mashed together paragraph

i've edited my post and made it more structured and also added a few more points to it..!
thanks for reading my mashed up paragraph..this was wat happened to transmission..a mashed up game..they need to structure it properly..:D

vishalsparadise added 3 Minutes and 54 Seconds later...

You've never had the AI bowl a wide?

1)yah..i've never received a wide ball but plenty of noballs..!
i love playing test matches , so i take my time leave a lot of balls and hit very few to make my runs , so there is no chance of accidently hitting a wide ball for me not to notice..:D

2) also havnt received an overhead noball other than the overstepping noball..!
I've not seen the AI bowl a wide yet, would be nice to see every once in a while.

I'd like to bowl the AI more than I or they run themselves out.

So, patch me up Brother!! :happy
Just looking over the edges part of the interview, I'm not too convinced it'll be 100% what is wanted.
It does say that they're still sworn to secrecy, so I can't see Codemasters telling anyone.

I hope CaptainOZ reads this, since he was so certain there wouldn't be a patch.

Bud, I never said I was certain about there would not be a patch. Perhaps you misinterpreted something.

What I WAS critical of was a game being released in the state it was, and then a 5 week stony silence since release. There was not a single official word that something was being done to address the errors. I still cannot find anything in whitehorn's interview that adequately excuses that.

Whilst I am against personal attacks being made on a forum, the people who accept our money in exchange for a product are pretty much free game. If you paid someone for a service or product, and it didn't deliver what it promised, you'd want to have a stern chat with the guy. That's not just taking it personally, or making a mountain out of a molehill - think of the economy. People don't just have 80 dollars lying around to throw away on a product that they hope takes their mind off their sitaution.

It was irresponsible of Transmission - accidental or otherwise.

Remember these things are done in the drive for a decent cricket game. As I said, personal insults towards other members is not good, but being your friend is not my aim either. I am here to discuss cricket, and how we can achieve the cricket gaming experience we have been paying for.

That being said, dutchad seems nice :)
will the changed bowler speeds also be changed online? this is very important for me personally.
Just looking over the edges part of the interview, I'm not too convinced it'll be 100% what is wanted.

This is the first patch from a cricket game ever(NO EA, thats not a patch). If it's closer to what we wanted thats better than out of the box yes?

I am more than happy if they try to patch it. People are never happy these days.
This is the first patch from a cricket game ever(NO EA, thats not a patch). If it's closer to what we wanted thats better than out of the box yes?

I am more than happy if they try to patch it. People are never happy these days.

To be fair if they more or less fix the main issues so it plays properly for decent matches then that's more than fine.
I don't know about you, but he seems like someone who really wants to see the job through and squish the bugs.
Ok, can someone clear one thing for me. Are they fixing online quiting or not. I think someone said that they cant fix anything online. Is that mean anything they fix e.g bowling speed, will not be effected in online play?

Also many of us play online only so why not fix the issue of quitters. I mean i havent played a single match with AI and always played online. Please guys at trnasmission and codies, fix the online quiter issue. Thank you.
what I would like to be fixed:

1) Run out bug
2) Computer AI - they shouldnt be scoring at 8-10 an over
3) Batting made a bit harder
4) Bowling speeds issue
Feedback is that edges were not carrying far enough, and you'd love to see them carry more.
Firstly, altering some variables will make the ball carry: The ball should retain more velocity when coming off the VERY edge of the bat.
This means that there will be a lot more wickets caught behind, but that will see more unrealistic totals (quicker dismissals)…
Now the game is too easy and favours the bowler.
The timing window must therefore be tweaked so that thin edges are maybe more frequent, and thick edges less so.
We need to go through each player level, to make sure that the player's skill has not become an unbalancing factor (assuming that thick edges are more likely from a lower order batsman, you would expect to see the ball clipping over the wicket-keeper, running to third man or fine leg)
Proper balancing must be done to ensure that when re-addressing this, the batsmen are not favoured either.
This now has to be rebalanced for each difficulty level.

Hmm...I hope that doesn't mean they think fixing the edges will be too much work, because they're one thing that really needs fixing. I agree that it must be done in a balanced way, otherwise we'll all be complaining that there are too many wickets falling!
But why not just release a patch straight away and then patch it again when needed?
Patches for the PC are simple to distribute: we just upload it to the internet and people download it.

For console it's more complicated. Each platform has its own requirements for "Title Updates" and they have to go through a submissions and testing process, just like a boxed game.

Due to the above, a very carefully structured approach is required: we needed to collate a large amount of feedback and analyse which changes we could make, or not!

Considering that a HUGE percentage of customers are playing on consoles and not PC (and it IS a huge percentage I assure you), it is vital that we get the console version right... For PC you can have lots of iterative versions, but for console you realistically only get one shot, so we want to make sure we're catching everything we can before releasing it.

That's a real pain for us PC owners. :)

So what's in this secret patch then? WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED?
Rest assured we are looking to fix everything that has been fed back through these forums. Key points being:

* The run-out bug has been addressed.
* Run-rates have been tweaked (particularly Test matches).
* Edges DO carry more.
* Bowler speeds HAVE been addressed.

And there's still fixes going in.

But that on the other hand looks very promising!

MasterBlaster76 added 5 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

One thing is missing what about REAL GOOD LENGTH???

Yeps, it would've been nice to hear something about that. Maybe it'll be too hard to sort out for this game.

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

I'm 99.9% sure it's free...
Lengths are being worked on - as Jamie says changes have knock-on effects.


Good work, Transmission. Can you guys really see EA giving us this level of information?

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 50 Seconds later...

Colin, i keep my word. Now keep yours, i want nude pictures, and i want them now.

Thank you please.

There you go!


Surely I'm allowed to post this? It's classical art... :D
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