Oceania Premier League Season III | It's here!

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I would have co-managed had it been an Australian team. I don't have much knowledge about the domestic Kiwi players and so I'm a bit hesitant in co-managing Napier.
I myself don't have much knowledge. :p Main thing is I didn't know there was going to be an auction. I didn't read the whole first post. :p I think we both can pull this though.


James Franklin (Captain) - Leading From The Front!
Performance: 10/10

The team's fortunes were directly dependent on the skipper's performances

Grant Elliott (Vice-captain)
Performance: 7/10

Elliott's allround skills made him a vital cog in the wheel

Jesse Ryder
Performance: 8/10

The big man managed to overcome his demons and make some important contributions at the top

Andy McKay
Performance: 7/10

Andy McKay played his part in the team's success

Hashim Amla
Performance: 9/10

Amla was worth every penny spent on him

Morne Morkel
Performance: 7/10

Morne bowled well but without much luck

Stuart Broad
Performance: 6/10

Broad's commitments with the Outlaws seemed to have affected his performance

Tim Paine - No Paine,No Gain!
Performance: 8/10

Tim Paine worked hard to improve his fitness levels which helped his on-field show

Andrew McDonald
Performance: 5/10

Ronnie was another big name who let himself and his fans down

Jonathan Trott - WTF Indeed!
Performance: 2/10

JonathanTrott,who copped a lot of flak,was this close to regaining his form
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Season 3 Plan - Training and Injuries

* For a sum of money you can send your players for training. There are three types of training as explained below.

1. Normal Training: In this type of training, your players would get a +2 rating boost in the subsequent game. However the played stands a 15% chance of getting a type two injury for one round.

2. Safe Training: In this type of training, your players would get a +1 rating boost in the subsequent game. However the played stands a 5% chance of getting a type two injury for one round.

3. Rigorous Training: In this type of training, your players would get a +3 rating boost in the subsequent game. However the played stands a 10% chance of getting a type two injury and a 10% chance of getting a type three injury.

*Injury System. There are three types of injuries:

1.Type one: Such injuries may be carried by players in the tournament. Two players at random would be selected and they would get this injury. They can be healed easily by medical assistance. If it is not healed then the player would have to rest for a round. The player can play with a -1 rating but if he does, he stands a chance of getting a type 2 injury.

2.Type two: Such injuries are caused only by training. They player has to sit out for one round. They can't be healed within a round by medical assistance.

3.Type three: Such injuries are serious. The player has to sit out for two rounds. However using medical assistance after one round it may be converted to a type one injury.​
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Season 3 Plan - Pitch Types

* There will be five pitches - Normal, Green, Damp, Poor and Excellent.

* Normal, Excellent and Poor correspond to the Cricsim pitches.

* Green is a normal pitch for spinners (Spinners: +2, Batsmen +1, Pacers: -1)

* Damp is a normal pitch for pacers (Pacers +2, Batsmen: +1, Spinners: -2)

* For 9 rounds, there are two excellent pitches, one poor pitch, two each of normal, green and damp pitches.
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Cool! Only Melbourne (Brook) and Brisbane (Author) are left to confirm. I've done with setting up the auctions for the Australians. I need to do the New Zealand ones now. Moreover, Assofty will take some time for the logos, so, yeah Monday is when it tentatively begins. :)
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