ODI/Test Series- Australia vs Sri Lanka (brad352 vs djkay)

For the record, 8/8 :D

Do you mind using SavTweak to change the conditions in the Tests to un-Sri Lankan conditions ie. wet/green? The sub continent conditions are getting boring.
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Match Update: 10 Overs

Pitch: Dusty
Conditions: Overcast,humid

Australia 0/62
Gilchrist 35*
Hayden 26*
Match Update: 20 Overs

Australia 2/123

Gilchrist 47
Hayden 50
Yeah- v3
As I said before, about 20-30% would be blocking and running which is why I'm scoring so quickly and plus plenty of edges- the spinners stop that so I'll probably only end up with 250-260
Brad use Radagas weather set up:

PITCH: Hard (good batting pitch to start)
WEATHER: Coudy/hot

PITCH: Dry (exposed to the sun and dried out a bit)
WEATHER: Grey/Cool

PITCH: Wet (as if it rained overnight)
WEATHER: Sunny/Warm

PITCH: Normal (dried up a bit)
WEATHER: Cloudy/Warm

PITCH: Green (the grass has grown a bit)
WEATHER: Cloudy/Hot
It's a legitimate tactic which will hopefully be fixed in the next patch- actually quite comparable to your advance- cover smash (which I used for the last 5 overs or so like u did last game)

End of Innings

Aus 292/7 (50) RR- 5.84

Ponting 59
Hayden 50
Gilchrist 47
Clarke 40
Symonds 27
Martyn 26

Jayasuriya 2/22
Muralitharan 2/47

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