Off-cutter and Leg-cutter directions

Are cutters bowler- or batsman-relative?

  • Bowler-relative (off-cutter stays an off-cutter against LHB)

    Votes: 20 64.5%
  • Batsman-relative (off-cutter becomes a leg-cutter against LHB)

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Don't know/don't care

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters
It's frustrating when people hint that they know something about a new game, but won't tell us the full story. Either tell us what you know, or shut up.
It's frustrating when people hint that they know something about a new game, but won't tell us the full story. Either tell us what you know, or shut up.

Or just get over it and do something else until real info turns up.
Well thanks for gracing us with your little comment, Chrissie :facepalm

Wow real big of you there, I'm sure your comment was far better received. You could bear in mind that we are just talking about a cricket game.
looks guys, He is obviously doing some testing and he cant say anything about it. Its normal as codemasters dont want him to say anything. and why would he as he is a part of the project. He is just asking questions so he can help codemasters. So dont be harsh towards him.
Eh he brings this upon himself, he never came out and said he is testing. Just hints at being involved . Of course people will ask questions.
To be honest I don't really care. The publicity they've put out for this game (action cam etc.) doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that this will be any better than before. I think I will go into the release of this game with a negative mindset; I really have to be wowed with what happens between now and release, and by reviews.
CaptainOZ and hMarka, you both need to calm down a bit. You're acting as though there's some sort of conspiracy to not tell you stuff or something.

I will now explain the reason I set up this poll. Be warned though, it is very, very dull.

When I was playing IC10, I was bowling with a right-hander against a left-right combination of batsmen. I noticed that the labels on the buttons for 'Off-Cutter' and 'Leg-Cutter' were switching around as the batsmen changed ends. I wrote this down as something I thought was wrong. In their response CM/TG said they had changed it from AC09 (where the buttons didn't switch) because they had researched it and the weight of evidence was that it is batsmen-relative.

I then looked this up on the Web, and it seems that some places (e.g. BBC) claim that it is batsman-relative, whereas others claim it is bowler-relative. TG said that the button labels can be changed easily if I can find evidence that they should be. I then thought that a good way of finding out what people thought (rather than have the game release and have people going "the buttons labels for cutters are wrong - don't they know anything about cricket") would be to do a quick poll on here.

So here we are.

If you haven't fallen asleep reading that, I can tell you that I now have clearance to talk about the aspects of the game which have been made public knowledge (e.g. Action Cam) but can't talk about things which aren't public knowledge (like the new pigeon/seagull AI that allows them to search for actual seeds on the ground, and the feature where repeatedly pressing X when playing as Herschelle Gibbs lets you choose from a menu of racist things to say to the crowd).

So at the moment, anything which is in the press release I can discuss. Also, once the Q&A comes back, it's possible that there will be a new load of stuff which I can then discuss (as more stuff will be public knowledge), but that's speculation on my part.
cut off your leg?

Thanks Tom, I should have checked this earlier!

Maybe it needs a poll... anyone know how to add one?

Sorry I won't be posting a lot, too busy working my a** off to finish the game for you guys. We're all working hard to make IC2010 bigger and better than Ashes 2009, with lots of the things you've been asking for, and a few surprises as well (unless Codies announce them first ;)



P.S. I see someone noticed a stump get uprooted... ... ..... ... ;D
Lucky you, geting to Play IC10
Isn't it better that they have more involvement of people who are just players and not developers? Lots of the problems in AC09 could have been picked up with more extensive testing, it's certainly a good thing that people like Tom are involved.

(for full disclosure I have not played IC010.)

Maybe it needs a poll... anyone know how to add one?
Scroll up to the top ;).
Just to join the party late, it doesn't really matter whether it is batsman or bowler relative imo. What matters is whether the game realises that an RH bowler who can only bowl offcutters can only move the ball away from an LH batsman and not bring it back in because "offcutters are the ones that are aimed at the stumps".
RH bowler to RH bat - ball seams to the right, towards pads. Therefore offcutter.
RH bowler to LH bat - ball still seams to the right, towards slips. Therefore ?

For the sake of not confusing people I'd suggest keeping it as an offcutter and people can figure for themselves that that means it seams towards the slips. Otherwise people will wonder why their bowler who couldn't before can suddenly bowl legcutters.

Hope this made sense ;)
Just to join the party late, it doesn't really matter whether it is batsman or bowler relative imo. What matters is whether the game realises that an RH bowler who can only bowl offcutters can only move the ball away from an LH batsman and not bring it back in because "offcutters are the ones that are aimed at the stumps".
RH bowler to RH bat - ball seams to the right, towards pads. Therefore offcutter.
RH bowler to LH bat - ball still seams to the right, towards slips. Therefore ?

For the sake of not confusing people I'd suggest keeping it as an offcutter and people can figure for themselves that that means it seams towards the slips. Otherwise people will wonder why their bowler who couldn't before can suddenly bowl legcutters.

Hope this made sense ;)

Yeah that would be a screw up if the ball went the other way. I firmly believe tho that the name of cutters follows the same convention as spin bowling.

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