Old games that you still play?

Fired up Rugby League 2 on the pc, it's pretty fun with the 2010 update. Just waiting for Rugby League Live, and keeping my expectations low.
Anyone who plays Commandos? I am huge fan of the Green Beret and Spy :D
Fallout 1 and 2.

Still awesome games over ten years on from them being made.
I have bought Civilization IV from second hand market and am looking forward for spending time on it. But I am more into Ceaser type games so may not like it that much.
I just ordered Quake and its two expansions from Steam for ?3. It looks soooooooo bad - thankfully, some mods have been released that make it look acceptable, otherwise it's just far too blocky. I can put up with that with UFO (although someone's remade that with better graphics and done a decent job), but not an FPS.

Speaking of Worms, there's a new one coming out, isn't there - Worms Reloaded or something?
i still play Mafia!!long back ago..

A classic game and still fantastic now, despite its age - you must be eager to pounce on the sequel? I still haven't got round to playing the demo yet, but I've heard it's amazing.

I just ordered 'UFO - Enemy Unknown' from Steam for ?3. Anyone remember that one? Still the best turn based strategy games, even after all this time. Look beyond the graphics and you'll find one of the most thrilling, tense, nerve shredding and challenging games ever made. Shame no one's been able to do a decent remake!

Has anyone played 'UFO Extraterrestrials' - one of the attempted remakes of 'Enemy Unknown'? It has received mixed reviews, especially the standard version.
My Favourite classics are:
Road Rash
Age of Empires
Road Fighter
Fifa Road to the world cup 99. (Too bad it doesn't work in Windows 7) :(
Age Of Mythology and its Expansion (Titans), Marvel vs Capcom 2 and GTA Vice City. Classics, I don't think I'll ever stop enjoying them.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3.
Spartan X
Excite Bike
Bomber man
Adventure Island
Double Dragon

PC :

Half life
Prince of Persia
Soldier of Fortune
Hitman : Codename 47
Fifa 98
BLC 99
Motocross Madness
Max Payne
Delta Force
NFS 2 : SE
Medal of Honor : Allied Assault
Quake 2
Mortal Kombat 4

i miss my childhood. :crying
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