Online quitters

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xI ZACHO Ix is a quitter ..... quit out after I took 2 wickets in the first two balls.

vagajutt sunk to new levels of twatishness last night after we actually had a really good game, I managed to get to 200, but it was easily the hardest fought 200 I've ever got, then I pegged him back to about 110, but again, he made it really hard work, and it was a fun game played in a good spirit .... yet when the game is over and the match stats are uploading he disconnects so I don't get credited with wickets and runs.

I sent him a message saying "wtf??" and he sends me one back saying he was sorry, but everyone had been doing it to him :facepalm
Played my first game online today Develing_B on ps3 was 2/2 before he quit.

bit early i say
haven played one proper game on xbox 360 yet. quitters every game so if ur from australia and want a proper game add me. Gamertag is PeRa89
In his defence he did tell me it wasn't actually a field setting....the table he rests the computer screen on is shorter at one end!:D

haha dude you are funny

Or may be he has half montior screen

boney_g added 1 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

Playkidl12 is a quitter.

Bloody Looser

lol he is a member here. And i dont think he is a quitter.

boney_g added 1 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

xI ZACHO Ix is a quitter ..... quit out after I took 2 wickets in the first two balls.

vagajutt sunk to new levels of twatishness last night after we actually had a really good game, I managed to get to 200, but it was easily the hardest fought 200 I've ever got, then I pegged him back to about 110, but again, he made it really hard work, and it was a fun game played in a good spirit .... yet when the game is over and the match stats are uploading he disconnects so I don't get credited with wickets and runs.

I sent him a message saying "wtf??" and he sends me one back saying he was sorry, but everyone had been doing it to him :facepalm

Can we send messages while playing online?
After he quit I went to my "recently played" list, found his gamertag, went to his profile and sent him a message that way! :)

I dont think i have visited my recently played list as much as i have since i bought this game. Constantly forcing myself to find the gamer tag and send a message of my disgust for them quitting. :facepalm
Tomo another quitter. He quit when i smashed his Swann for 35 runs in an over. :doh
Damn another quitter. Quits on the last ball of the match. :mad::mad:

Arindam3 looser


boney_g added 14 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

wow i am very lucky today. 3 quitters(loosers) in a row. :mad:

jake another quitter

Damn another quitter. Quits on the last ball of the match. :mad::mad:

Arindam3 looser


boney_g added 14 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

wow i am very lucky today. 3 quitters(loosers) in a row. :mad:

jake another quitter


I really dont see the point in posting images of the offender and posting each of their player names. Your better off just taking a step back, think about what happened, pick up the controller and have another crack :D enjoy the game even if you dont pick up a result!
^^ Seriously i dont feel like playing this game anymore becoz of these quitters.:doh And i am enjoying the game thats why i dont quit even if i am losing badly. But these quitters are spoiling all the fun.
Another quitter + yorkerlooser is aadhavzone. He bowled 1st and with ROW XI's 4 Fast bowlers, bowled 3 overs of yorkers. I managed to get to 69/3 of 5 ovrs. Had him 35/5 when he quit.:rtfl
What a sore looser. I really feel sorry for these little idiots.:laugh


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After he quit I went to my "recently played" list, found his gamertag, went to his profile and sent him a message that way! :)

Are you using some software? I can't find any in-game option of recently played games.
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