Online quitters

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this guy called umar89..i was batting excellently & was 89/0 from 6 when the connection lost

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i got one more quitter now
vivek is the user id
he just quits the game in 2 overs
i scored 30+ in just 2 overs
legendboy20 on Ps3 is a quitter, tried to give me some lame excuse about connection problems after I was within 10 runs of chasing his target of 120 odd

i'm not a quitter. what do mean when you say i tried to gave you "lame excuse", when we havent played a good enough matches against each other to make a "qutter" claim on me?.

as far i remember, that match was the first match which i played against you online. altough you seems to beleive we played once before.

and to make a small correction on the scorecard, i was bowled out for only 58not 120 odd, and you were 20 sth for 1 wicket when i lost the net connection.
i'm not a quitter. what do mean when you say i tried to gave you "lame excuse", when we havent played a good enough matches against each other to make a "qutter" claim on me?.

as far i remember, that match was the first match which i played against you online. altough you seems to beleive we played once before.

and to make a small correction on the scorecard, i was bowled out for only 58not 120 odd, and you were 20 sth for 1 wicket when i lost the net connection.

I confused you with someone else, but you did still quit or lose connection when I was very close to winning.

To be fair, I will play you again so you can prove that you are not a quitter.
People will end up giving this game away if it stays like this.And one of them is me for sure as i have been getting people quitting on me all the time frustrating!:doh
Ok guys i want to play game had one game and some body quit.If i play with anybody i assure u i wont quit unless its connection issue which i dont think i will hjave on my 20mbps connection.I played with some guy and he quit name starts with k something i forgot.Please if u want to paly fair game add me its same as my name here jan52
another one j3nius. We were playing ashes he had one sided field i still scored 229 runs and then looser gets out for a 100 in 10 overs and disconnects.

nimish_sach added 0 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

His xbox 360 gametag is j3nius
Well guess my wish to complete an online game will be not fulfilled.Played 2 matches with guy name Nash or he quit both or at least 1 of them.i got an error Connection to opponent has been lost.After that i went to toss with some guy named unstoppable and after losing the toss i was too scared to bowl 20 overs and then somebody quit on me so i just left the game after losing the toss as i think it doesn't count as quit.Or may be these r server problem but i don't know honestly
Ok guys, don't play General9 (PC Version).

Just had him 7-3 after 2 overs (inc. Ponting and Clarke out) and he unsurprisingly quit. :mad:
Simple solution. Don't play randoms. Stick to people you know whether it be friends or people you know on forums. That way there won't be quitters.
Only problem is that there are hardly any PC players as it is, and finding Planet Cricket ones is nigh on impossible during the day in the week.
Only problem is that there are hardly any PC players as it is, and finding Planet Cricket ones is nigh on impossible during the day in the week.

Aren't there ways of arranging games to play with people from PC. Aren't there some sort of Friend Codes like on PS3, Wii etc?
Everybody online on this game quits, you take a couple of wickets or score a few runs without loss and they're gone...
There's not much point in a list, because if you play a random person, you know it's coming... Add to that the game is so unrealistic and batting so easy, you feel awkward playing anyone you know as well because you can hit boundaries almost at will!

I won't deny it, sometimes I quit too if my opponent is being a twat by doing constant yorkers or hitting totally unrealistic lofted shots (which go for 6 almost every time).

Hopefully a patch comes to sort out some gameplay issues and give the person who disconnects online a loss, not that I care about being ranked highly or anything, it might just stop some people quitting if they know they will get a loss for it...

That's totally ridiculous dude (apart from the fact that wins and losses not being apart of nay of the stats, and I say that as someone who so, so wishes there was such rankings)....

You say you quit yourself!? And u do it when YOU are bowling!!?? Batting is hand eye and reading the delivery coming and getting timing right.... how can you call them 'ridiculous lofted shots" - what they are is your ball getting hit aerially and 'perfectly' - obviously... maybe you are bowling like the ai - this is online... the best of the best bro....

take it on the chin if getting caned, bowl to your opponent rather than a pre-conceived plan.... locate his weaknesses..... etc etc

I mean wtf!?? Batting is batting.

Only bowling can be cheesed.... I do a pre-game quit and cheese warning... and then when they start cheesing, I absolutely cane them.... If I play with any anger, I cannot be beaten...

Hey hey, I am 52-1, so I can say that.... lol...

best score in a 5 over game? 124/2!! McCullum 52 off 12! hehe..... bowled dude out for SFA and he didn't quit.... in fact I have to establish pre-game that opponent won't quit because I pretty much know for sure they have a serious whipping coming - serious.

My favourite whinge (when I use tactic 37 - non-cheese always) is, "hey bowl properly!!" - haha, no, no, stop doing what they taught you FIRST thing in batting - pre-meditating.... I am not the computer. Decide late, or get better.... lol.... only ball grip cheesing is unacceptable, morally, but infinitely beatable in competitive play nevertheless....

Batting, like catching etc, is just timing and hand-eye and smarts - to quit when someone is dominating here (or anywhere for that matter IMO) is unacceptable. Spirit of cricket. You want them to try and mistime it!? Seriously....

Quitting cos someone is 'really too good' is not a reason.... someone has to lose. And as I always say, if you wanna have the freedom to quit - go play the UNRANKED games..... I mean, it is pretty basic stuff. If you suck, you ain't gonna appear in the stats anyway..... only if you cheese by playing mate and ranking it immorally like d-heads like esso7 etc... (check odi ladder - his stats are appalling really, but he cheeses long games in which he can't even bowl out his bunny mate playing him - sooooooo lame. His stats read against matches played comparison reveals this and embarrasses him whereas the rest of us are playing 5 or 10 over games exclusively (like good ol' thedesidownunder - who I am 2-0 against after a five over and ten over clash the other night, hehe, the clash of the titans - and others, perhaps even vinoth007's stats are a little, hmmmmm, i dunno, but he has also played exclusively ten over games... really shld be mainly five to avoid quitters, i think tens consistently smells fishy with quitters around....) he just cheeses and cheeses.... yawn...)...

I like most of all thrashing everyone with the black caps - hehe - as means I can live out my fantasies as NZ cricket fan (long-suffering no more, lol!!!)...


psn: Chunnster
^ agreed, I think I will avoid playing mad man as well now. Quitting because someone is using aggressive tactics is cowardice
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