
christchurch outfield


  • jade.jpg
    27.8 KB · Views: 314
awesom work man.

i really liked ur Indian Outfields, just 2 things :

1. Can u re-shape the inner light screen circle to the exaclt infield side(according to the dots.)

2. Also can u add the non-playing pitches on both the sdies of the main playing pitch, that looks realisitic.

**Also, u plz post the pic of the BMP so that we know exactly how the firld looks like.(The ingame pic doesnt covers the whole stadium u know.)
wow, amazing looking pitches.

its will be good if u can make outfields colour(brightness) according to the pitches......u know a slightly dark one for wet/damp pitches coz the outfields in real matches are a bit wet, so that will give realistic feel.

but plz keep in mind not to make the outfield too dark or bright.

but the job ur doin right now is par excellence.
old trafford

here is an edited england outfield


  • tr2.jpg
    73 KB · Views: 237
great work riyaz! release them
hi riyaz
its a request plz post the outfield patches of the
outfileds u made from christchurch to old trafford

ur work is fabulous itz awsome

here is my 1st outfield pack, christchurch included,can someone put it in the downloads section


  • outfield pack v1.zip
    473.7 KB · Views: 149

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