Pakistani Legends 09 Team Thread

Fridge fetishes should be banned.

For that matter,and fetish Tom Baker mentions should be banned!:p
You notice we have started losing since we signed bladescape and the other new guys. I think some people need to be a bit more quiet ;)
The newbies aren't allowed to say anything...They're the newbies! They haven't even pledged their lives to the Legends.
Anybody seen 'American Pie: Beta House'? I say we give them a pledge board with 50 things they most do before the are a 'good and proper Legend.' They will have to give us evidence for each of these things of course!
1. Sleep with a llama.
2. How quickly they can throw a fridge out of a window and get it back into their room and working.
3. Do mine and Jack's washing for a week.
3. Stimulate a pig
4. Get arrested for indecent exposure.
5. Kiss Mani

I've got them started.
6. Get jailed for sexual harrasment on Jack.
7. Start your own cult where you pray to a fridge.
8. Set a disgusting world record.
9. Jump off a cliff because your mate did it.
10. Break your world record.

These are gold.

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