Patch 1.05 Now Available on PS4

You would like it to be fixed?
Could it please be fixed?
Not around here. Everything must be fixed tomorrow! While fixing please add all the pointless features I think should be in the game because I confuse this forum with a crowd funding page and Big Ant are my personal developers and I clearly don't understand the concept of software development. PS I don't even have the game but saw this bug on my friend's YouTube stream.

Btw when it's the Steam version being released? Can my PC run it?
Have you searched the Academy before posting this?
He is asking you to be a bit more courteous and polite when you "request" for the bugs to be fixed!

Please please please... hope that is 'courteous' enough... can people post on this forum without certain other 'people' jumping down their throats! Yes? Oh sorry, I meant yes please. Oh please yes I mean... oh never mind. ha
Does anyone know when Xbox one update is being implemented?

It takes longer for Xbox patches to go through the process, we'll advise availability whenever we can but it's very likely as soon as Xbox tell us it's ready from their side we'll push it live - so you won't get advance warning of it coming, just that it's there.
@BigAntStudios any official release program planned at Gabba on the during the day 1 of Ashes Clash ?
It takes longer for Xbox patches to go through the process, we'll advise availability whenever we can but it's very likely as soon as Xbox tell us it's ready from their side we'll push it live - so you won't get advance warning of it coming, just that it's there.

I am happy with the current xbox patch. Won't mind if the new patch does not go live for a month or so. I hope it will not break anything what is there right now.
Other than advertising etc., we've got nothing planned around the start of the Ashes.
I wish the game gets flashed in the big screen every now and then possible, it’s a good promotion to catch the eyes of people in subcontinent (many in India do watch Ashes closely) when they watc the game.
Matt W could you please elaborate about the restricted statistic calculations . Does that mean that say Im playing Australia and when the players come out to bat or start to bowl you will see there statistics update on screen while playing the game, like after each innings match or after a competation like a World T 20 cup World cup 50 overs etc or am I barking up the wrong tree as I am waiting patiently for patch 1.05 I am on Xbox one, I heard before this new patch that statistics was not updating when players were walking out to bat or coming on to bowl expect Career mode Many thanks.
if i looked at my earned stats - the runs and HS column for a player are the same - eg Mathews has played 3 matches and scored 109 runs but his HS is 109 also but this isnt true his HS is really 61. Is this issue going to be fixed at all?

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