Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

Not to whinge @Ross but how much longer for PS3 patch?
Is it MS holding up the release for both consoles and if so why the delay on PS3?

Two reasons....

1. If one platform holder finds a bug, it will need to be fixed on both platforms so may as well hold on till you get approval from both.

2. Big Ant has a contract/agreement in place with both platform holders that any patches/DLC will be released on both platforms at the same time.
^this guy gets it. It's really not a conspiracy. It's business.
Twice today I've been given out lbw, reviewed it, been correct on both occasions (once I was hit outside the line, the second I got an inside edge onto the pad), and yet both times I was still given out, but caught behind instead of lbw, which is annoying both because it is wrong and so I get given out anyway, and because I lost my only review on a correct challenge! Is this a problem that's known and is it fixed in Patch 2?
We have a history of trying to get things out asap, I guarantee you that patch#2 will be released and in your hands at the earliest opportunity no matter what time of day that that the deploy button goes live.


Twice today I've been given out lbw, reviewed it, been correct on both occasions (once I was hit outside the line, the second I got an inside edge onto the pad), and yet both times I was still given out, but caught behind instead of lbw, which is annoying both because it is wrong and so I get given out anyway, and because I lost my only review on a correct challenge! Is this a problem that's known and is it fixed in Patch 2?

We certainly fixed some of the issues with reviews, without seeing your specifically I can't say if it has been fixed.
Every time I read a negative comment on this tread I realise how many people who call themself gamers or cricket game lovers have never coded a day in their life. Those who have know it takes more than a mere hour in the day to find a bug fix it without causing more and then patching a product. Neither have any of them dealt with big gaming or os companies who scrutinise your new release just as much if not beter than the users ever will. With this in mind I leave you little boys and girls with this untie the knot in your panties, enjoy Don Bradman the way it is cause it still is a hell of a lot beter than any other cricket game out there and have patience. Remember to bring out a game of this quality isnt easy and you surely cant do a beter job than Big Ant did.
Every time I read a negative comment on this tread I realise how many people who call themself gamers or cricket game lovers have never coded a day in their life. Those who have know it takes more than a mere hour in the day to find a bug fix it without causing more and then patching a product. Neither have any of them dealt with big gaming or os companies who scrutinise your new release just as much if not beter than the users ever will. With this in mind I leave you little boys and girls with this untie the knot in your panties, enjoy Don Bradman the way it is cause it still is a hell of a lot beter than any other cricket game out there and have patience. Remember to bring out a game of this quality isnt easy and you surely cant do a beter job than Big Ant did.

Well said... and also when was the last time you saw EA patch something?

When did these large companies take the time to really listen to their customers - and then act on it?

When was the last time you saw such an effort to create a game we could enjoy like DBC14?

If you focus on the glass half empty, you miss out on the fact that the glass is half full...
Well said... and also when was the last time you saw EA patch something?

When did these large companies take the time to really listen to their customers - and then act on it?

When was the last time you saw such an effort to create a game we could enjoy like DBC14?

If you focus on the glass half empty, you miss out on the fact that the glass is half full...

Totally agree with you brow...!! Very well said!!
The reason that EA rule the roost when it comes to sports games is because they make the best sport games. You don't get to be the best by releasing bugged games and then refuse to fix them. So wake up,EA and all of the other top game producers do patch their games. If they consistently refused to do, they simply would not be where they are now.
I feel that everyone is getting dragged down by this somewhat meaningless debate. This game was badly bugged on release. Patch 1 fixed the majority of those. I am not terribly bothered about patch 2 as the game is very playable and its the best game of the year for me.
This game is the best video cricket game there has been. It is a radical attempt at reproducing real cricket on a console and PC. It works for me. Yes there are errors in LBW decisions, but thats also the way it is in real life. Mistakes are made.
My favourite game has always been the FIFA series on xbox and ps3. It is technically brilliant but in becoming so, it has become sterile and boring. The latest world cup game is simply so so boring to play. It seems that FIFA has become a victim of its own success. EA's pursuit of perfection has ruined the game for me.
Whereas this game is beautifully flawed in way that makes it so much fun. I suspect many people are having trouble with this game because it is so difficult to master. I play on pro career mode and the batting is tough. But thats they way its supposed to be.
I think we need to cut the devs on the game some slack and give them a pat on the back for being so responsive. It also makes sound business sense to be that way if they want to stick around for db15 etc. EA provide a sound business model. They are responsive, thats why they are so popular.
But their sports games have simply become boringly unplayable.
I only wish I had more time to play this game
We have a history of trying to get things out asap, I guarantee you that patch#2 will be released and in your hands at the earliest opportunity no matter what time of day that that the deploy button goes live.


We certainly fixed some of the issues with reviews, without seeing your specifically I can't say if it has been fixed.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply (and quickly as well!) - I'll keep an eye out once the Patch is released and make a comment on the inevitable "Problems after Patch 2" thread if it persists. Whilst we're on the subject I must say that this is an excellent game (the customisation potential in particular sets it apart from any sports game I've played before), and it is good to see people's money being treated as an investment by you to continue to make the game better - are you planning to release a follow-up title/start a series?
Every time I read a negative comment on this tread I realise how many people who call themself gamers or cricket game lovers have never coded a day in their life. Those who have know it takes more than a mere hour in the day to find a bug fix it without causing more and then patching a product. Neither have any of them dealt with big gaming or os companies who scrutinise your new release just as much if not beter than the users ever will. With this in mind I leave you little boys and girls with this untie the knot in your panties, enjoy Don Bradman the way it is cause it still is a hell of a lot beter than any other cricket game out there and have patience. Remember to bring out a game of this quality isnt easy and you surely cant do a beter job than Big Ant did.

What a silly comment. People have paid for (in Australia at launch it cost more than big name games like fifa and nba2k) a product that released with issues (in my opinion so bad it's unplayed hence why i've put it down until hearing about the new patch, your view may vary), they have a right to vent. Good on big ant for supporting the game and fixing the problems which is something all developers don't do but they should do.

There's no point complaining about the patch release though, it will be out when it's out.
Why does everyone here think they are the most enlightened?
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Why does everyone here think they are the most enlightened?

They are entitled to their opinion even if it doesn't correspond with yours. Alright, they game wasn't unplayable for me and most others but it might have been for him.
There are a few people on this forum who think that way, but they seem to take exception to any minor criticism of the game.
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They are entitled to their opinion even if it doesn't correspond with yours. Alright, they game wasn't unplayable for me and most others but it might have been for him.
There are a few people on this forum who think that way, but they seem to take exception to any minor criticism of the game.

But it's not just that group of people, it's both sides, even the way you say that makes it seem like you are saying you're more knowledgeable than the rest of us.
One thing I'd like to ask, and I'm not sure if it's being added in patch 2/3 or if I've dreamt it up however, I'd like to know if it is possible in patch 2 if depending on how well or in my case bad, your batting position changes?.

Looking forward to receiving the patch however long that takes, the support following release has been exceptional from Big Ant

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