Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

Wow what did I miss last night!?

Haha I see the "know it all super intelligent dipshits" where here in full force! :facepalm

Crawl back into you're holes wild things!


I'm no fan boy nor do I follow anyone! I do know and believe this is "as is" the best cricket game ever!

I'll say this about Ross: give credit where it's due!

I send him an Inbox message the other morning regarding a log in problem from the pc demo on steam. (And I know he must get 100's of emails a day) and you know what all u dipshits?

He replied only 2-3 hrs later trying to resolve the problem!?

Now which game developer does that??? :cheers

When I first got the PC version I had an issue where the game crashed when going into casual match (the selection screen). They quickly responded, got me to use the steam beta patch feature to use a special version to log what happened in the crash and got the problem fixed promptly. They are an amazing company.

I've bought the game twice now, on the Xbox 360 and PC, and I couldn't be happier. I'm even considering giving a few copies as gifts on steam to a few friends to try and get them (and hopefully keep such a spread going) in the series. One customer won this version could be multiple for the next iteration.
Thanks Ross and the team at big ant.
I love this game and also the afl games.

All those whinging about patches can get f'd.
Don't seem to recall this level of customer service and open dialouge with ea games or any others.

Keep up the good work guys and thanks.
When I first got the PC version I had an issue where the game crashed when going into casual match (the selection screen). They quickly responded, got me to use the steam beta patch feature to use a special version to log what happened in the crash and got the problem fixed promptly. They are an amazing company.

I've bought the game twice now, on the Xbox 360 and PC, and I couldn't be happier. I'm even considering giving a few copies as gifts on steam to a few friends to try and get them (and hopefully keep such a spread going) in the series. One customer won this version could be multiple for the next iteration.

Good man! Yes they're a great company and I think the future of cricket gaming is secure thanks to them. It's in good hands! For once we have a company that's actually really involved and have time to listen to the most important (the gamers) cause they care! It's unheard of!

I also bought the Xbox version and only just joined steam so I downloaded the demo of the game on pc. Wow it's looks slick on pc.

Haha so ja if u feel generous one day on steam send me the game.


When I first got the PC version I had an issue where the game crashed when going into casual match (the selection screen). They quickly responded, got me to use the steam beta patch feature to use a special version to log what happened in the crash and got the problem fixed promptly. They are an amazing company.

I've bought the game twice now, on the Xbox 360 and PC, and I couldn't be happier. I'm even considering giving a few copies as gifts on steam to a few friends to try and get them (and hopefully keep such a spread going) in the series. One customer won this version could be multiple for the next iteration.

Good man! Yes they're a great company and I think the future of cricket gaming is secure thanks to them. It's in good hands! For once we have a company that's actually really involved and have time to listen to the most important (the gamers) cause they care! It's unheard of!

I also bought the Xbox version and only just joined steam so I downloaded the demo of the game on pc. Wow it's looks slick on pc.

Haha so ja if u feel generous one day on steam send me the game.
no one thinks about the people who are living in 3rd world countries.. for u guys 50 $ is nothing but if i tell u to spend 3600 $ for a game.. u'll just suicide! same thing for me! if the price would be 50 taka - 500 taka even, i would buy it for showing the gratitude for such attempt and for my love for cricket games. ROSS that's the reason why the people from subcontinent do not buy original dvd's.. we also use pirated windows.. because the developers do not think about us..

But you can afford the hardware to play it? Something really wrong there.......I would suggest that you are done here.
RLL2 was the biggest rip off on the planet.

I won't bother with the rest of all the stuff you posted, but anyhow, how was Rugby League 2 the "biggest rip-off on the planet"?

Not just "rip-off" mind, that can be down to anyone's opinion on a product. I want to know how it was the "biggest rip-off on the planet".

Personally I think it's a brilliant Rugby League game and I purchased two versions, the standard and the world cup edition. Also, the fact that they had 2 or 3 versions is not a rip-off, many games do and with a tiny market like League you need to maximise profit to get past breaking even (they are a business), or would you operate a business and work your life away for free for others to turn and call your labour a rip-off?

Edit: Okay, so he's banned while I typed that, lol. Well done Dutch, couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Anyhow, I stand by my point.
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LMAO!!! I don't give a flipping cr@p about PC users you idiot. I just don't understand the reason why everyone is ignoring all the faults in Big Ant. It is not rocket science to understand that Sony/MS are not unorganized therefore it wouldn't take them this long to approve a patch. The patch hasn't even been submitted so how can they approve it??? How do we know that Big Ant have submitted the patch? Just because Ross said so?

Big Ant can't even implement a simple algorithm that can correctly decide on Man of the Match so how is this the best cricket game?

P.S. Someone will not see this post because he is only used to listening the good side of Big Ant. The ONLY developer who supports its product after release chooses to ignore the person who complains about the product. Well done!

You show us this algorithm seeing you know everything. Do you work for a gaming company? Yes or no? I would think the latter. It's harder then you think
Big Ant can't even implement a simple algorithm that can correctly decide on Man of the Match so how is this the best cricket game?

You've got some weird h@ngups about this g@me, if this is a big issue for you.
Patch delay

I hope you guys are not delaying the patch(its been too long) so that the PC version gets a boost......... :) Just saying
Yeah, they're really not.
When I first got the PC version I had an issue where the game crashed when going into casual match (the selection screen). They quickly responded, got me to use the steam beta patch feature to use a special version to log what happened in the crash and got the problem fixed promptly. They are an amazing company.

I've bought the game twice now, on the Xbox 360 and PC, and I couldn't be happier. I'm even considering giving a few copies as gifts on steam to a few friends to try and get them (and hopefully keep such a spread going) in the series. One customer won this version could be multiple for the next iteration.

yeah i also send my output log to them same problem like u , now waiting for a solution..
""The patch hasn't even been submitted so how can they approve it???"" - ATMega169P

I think in an effort to make ATMega169P look like a total c0ck, Xbox might have just pushed the button - can someone please confirm?

PS: I do wish he wasn't quoted so I didn't need to read his crap.

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