I wonder who we should listen to?
In which bat shit insane universe do you live in where you think that you're the only person to have made complaints/suggestions about the game? Do you think they that magically put together Patch 1 and Patch 2 without any feedback from the community?
He chooses to ignore the person that just complains and doesn't provide actual usable feedback
Dudeeee do you know for sure if the patch has been submitted or not??? You are just one of those Big Ant @$$ kisser who believes whatever they say. So piss off!
He just chooses to ignore me because he can't hear shit about this shitty game. That is the only reason!
Sony/MS will not take this much time to approve a patch! Don't you understand this simple thing??? If you don't agree with this then you should not be on this forum as you have some serious issues to deal with. The situation right is that either Sony/MS are taking more time than expected or Big Ant are lying about patch 2 submission. Obviously a serious Big Ant @$$ kisser would support Big Ant and blame it all on Sony/MS.