Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

Well, I've had good weekend!
On a semi-serious note, there's too much crap to wade through so can someone clarify - has the patch been refused approval by one of the platforms, or just not approved yet?
What we know is that they had previously submitted it, one platform found an issue (with the new online tournaments feature) that required a fix and resubmit - hence not getting it last week. I wouldn't be surprised if it's that same platform holder that's the hold up on approval, as they might be being more rigorous the second time to make sure they caught everything.

If everything is good it shouldn't be much longer - it would be odd if it passed approval on one console and then something that would prevent approval was found on the other.

I'll add that the updates I've been getting on PC are about 20MB - so I'd think the patch will be about that size on console.
Let's also not forget the approvals process is so our consoles don't get cooked by a missed flaw and we end up with expensive looking house decorations. There's no 'enemy' here. Everyone is looking out for the end user and we're getting some nice updates for a game we all love...

There's no scenario where we, the customer, don't benefit.
Let's also not forget the approvals process is so our consoles don't get cooked by a missed flaw and we end up with expensive looking house decorations. There's no 'enemy' here. Everyone is looking out for the end user and we're getting some nice updates for a game we all love...

There's no scenario where we, the customer, don't benefit.

What if the patch is actually changing the game to a zombie apocalypse game that destroy our console and sends a virus taking all our search history?
to a zombie apocalypse game
$2.99 on Steam...
sends a virus taking all our search history?

...then there's no evidence of my ever-quest for Barmyarmy n00dz.

Ross : Why is it important to get approval even for patches?? What stuff so they look into for that approval??
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Ross : Why is it important to get approval even for patches?? What stuff so they look into for that approval??

There are thousands of TRC's to comply with, it's not optional, non-compliance means no release.

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