Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

Unfortunately, We can't change the existing out of the box fields because these are now stored on everyone's profiles. But, we've given the AI there own set of fields that are hard coded that they will use most of the time now that are realistic, this will stop the 4 slips in a T20 opening over for example.

Another issue with allowing pre-existing fields is that it would then be possible to remove the fielding restriction type fields and thus break the game, we had to have set fields there that met all types of restrictions, especially as the Match Type creation allowed for a lot of different restriction types.

I think maybe one of our failings was to have too much flexibility in these areas such as match types.
I hear ya, the solution is to allow field changes but not to break the fielding restrictions of that particular field you are editing
I know a guy who created exactly that type of field editor for IC10, it worked perfectly

If he can do it, no doubt the professionals can easily do it :p
ETA = Estimated time of release (or something like that) you guys are all complaining that it is not out, if Ross said it is definitely coming out on the 6th June and it didn't, yes I would be a bit annoyed ESTIMATED is the word it does not mean definitely look it up in the thesaurus it won't say 'Definitely' as one of the meanings. :facepalm
It starts again.

Well if someone answered the question people would stop asking. I understand that the game won't be out anytime soon and that doesn't really bother me. That's why I didn't ask that I was curious as to the process and how the relationship works but if you don't have time to go through it just say so instead of being a sarcastic ass all the time
Well if someone answered the question people would stop asking. I understand that the game won't be out anytime soon and that doesn't really bother me. That's why I didn't ask that I was curious as to the process and how the relationship works but if you don't have time to go through it just say so instead of being a sarcastic ass all the time

I don't think you're entirely clear what sarcasm is.

His post may be cynical, and potentially a little world-weary, but it's certainly not sarcastic.

*edit* and it turns out it's neither of those things. Doh.
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You have entirely misread my answer - the testing starts again from the start - a direct answer to a direct question.... Seriously!!!!!

Here's the question, basically asking if it starts again!

@Ross does the patch go through the exact same process again, or has some of the testing already been done 1st time around, or will it go the other way and they will test even more extensively because they have already found one bug. Seen a few posts asking but haven't found an answer yet, appreciate any feedback you can give and the big ant team has done a great job so far, Thanks.


Btw you've got three big ant staffers answering questions today from morning until night... Just saying might want to hold fire there buddy :)
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The game is still great without the patch and playable with great fun. Ross take all the time you need. And once again thanks for the great game.:):)
hey Big Ant guys i asked few weeks ago any chance of tweeking the retro helmets to add a chin strap like a lot of the 80's helmets had? only small but just adds to realism for me anyway
Guys I would check back in about a week, if they are starting the test from the start again. Look how long we had to wait for MS to come back the first time.
Guys I would check back in about a week, if they are starting the test from the start again. Look how long we had to wait for MS to come back the first time.

Whose to say that it was sony who didnt pass it up I know ms is tougher and probably was but its just speculation on another company we have no idea which platform it was

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