Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

So can anyone with a probability mindset suggest what is the chance the patch is going to be live by end of today - Friday..

90%...60% ... 50%..20%... 0.9999 % .. ?
The fields bear almost no relation whatsoever to fields you're likely to see in a real game, in any situation, and destroy immersion and spoil gameplay.

This is where it's good to be niave.. I know the benefits to certain field types to a degree, and know, roughly when typically certain fields settings are used in the real world.. but when I'm playing career mode, I just go in there, face the field that gets given to me and try and deal with it. I know it is not a solution to say 'forget about what you know in real life' in order to enjoy the game, but that's how I play it and why this is not a concern at all, in my eyes. Hopefully what MikeM has said that they have done eases the issue for alot of people to be able to enjoy things more, otherwise yeah, patch 3 perhaps (roadblocks of what is hard coded and cannot change taken into account).


90%...60% ... 50%..20%... 0.9999 % .. ?

hahaha... haha... hahahaahhahh.. haa.. ha...

to be fair, i don't think i have ever seen an edge go quite so wide ever before. had there been a slip there, it would have been an awesome moment even if i'd have been on the wrong end of it.

I had about three fly off to a wide slip position yesterday off a spinner on an absolute minefield of a pitch. Eventually caught on the last attempt with a diving catch. Looked great didn't mind getting dismissed!
This is where it's good to be niave.. I know the benefits to certain field types to a degree, and know, roughly when typically certain fields settings are used in the real world.. but when I'm playing career mode, I just go in there, face the field that gets given to me and try and deal with it.

I totally get this and follow this too. I just assume that my career player is such a crazy fearless batsman that he makes the AI do trippy things to force me to commit errors (which I do)

Naivety is bliss

I really wanna play batting career mode on my playstation.(easy difficulty) When can we expect the patch?
So can anyone with a probability mindset suggest what is the chance the patch is going to be live by end of today - Friday..

90%...60% ... 50%..20%... 0.9999 % .. ?

none of the above- more like 0.000001 %
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@Ross does the patch go through the exact same process again, or has some of the testing already been done 1st time around, or will it go the other way and they will test even more extensively because they have already found one bug. Seen a few posts asking but haven't found an answer yet, appreciate any feedback you can give and the big ant team has done a great job so far, Thanks.
So can anyone with a probability mindset suggest what is the chance the patch is going to be live by end of today - Friday..

The numbers I have suggest that one of only two things will happen; either it will come out today, or it won't.

It's hard to calculate the probability of each outcome individually, but the sum of the two is 1 (or 100%) i.e. there is a 0% chance that a third thing will happen.

Hope that helps.
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@Ross does the patch go through the exact same process again, or has some of the testing already been done 1st time around, or will it go the other way and they will test even more extensively because they have already found one bug. Seen a few posts asking but haven't found an answer yet, appreciate any feedback you can give and the big ant team has done a great job so far, Thanks.

It starts again.
The numbers I have suggest that one of only two things will happen; either it will come out today, or it won't.

It's hard to calculate the probability of each outcome individually, but the sum of the two is 1 (or 100%) i.e. there is a 0% chance that a third thing will happen.

Hope that helps.


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