Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

Okay, we're done here.

Perhaps we can try again when people have calmed down and can discuss things without the abuse.
here's my 2c that was kept in a locker.

we all like to be appreciated at our job ,school or home for what we do well.
Appreciation is the single thing that can easily be given by anyone but still be of Immense value to the one who receive it.

I tried it recently with a AC serviceman who came to my house, he was doing his job well, so i remarked how well he was doing the job and how clean the unit was looking, He went on to put an extra effort and shine on it, not only that, after a few days he called back to check how the unit was functioning now.

That's what i found appreciation can do, when some one does their job sincerely and faithfully, they deserve to be appreciated.

Im not talking about flattery that's cheap n fake but true appreciation for the work you see that will drive the one receiving it.

If you find someone is doing a great job appreciate them lavishly, if you have points you want to criticize put it out in a constructive manner, if you are angry or want to throw the gauntlet, keep it to yourself.

The great man Abe lincoln himself did it as i read recently, when he found one of his generals disobeyed him, he was angry and wrote a scathing letter and
fire him, but then he stood up and looked out of his window, went back and buried the letter in his locker(which was found by his wife after his passing away) and wrote a new letter putting himself in the shoes of the general appreciating how hard it must be for him to tackle the forces in the harsh weather.The general went on to win more battles for ABE and america.

Money can only drive people to an extent, it the simple appreciation like that small cake, a greeting card ,a simple sharing of cherished moment of the game with a kudos to their team, that will drive BA forward to work more for and with us.

Bigantstudios are doing a fantastic job supporting the game after sale, and they deserve our true appreciation for doing the job well.That will what take the game and community forward.

Lets be a more appreciative community.

bit of a sermon, but as social networks have grown and networked us, the social part seems to have vanished a lot, i think it stands good.
If you find an ac man in coming back to your house to check on your ac you dont thank him for his stellar work you headlock him for trying to break in to your house! Ive never heard such nonsense an ac man in glasgow!
Clearly if people are unable to move on as we've asked them to we will deal with them.

I just read this out loud but pretended it was the voice of Peter Cullen, has a great effect... Barmys "Optimus" post.
Well I'm getting everything fixed and ready for the patch... Double checked every team's line up/ kit for the first career that will last more then 2 seasons on my PS3!
Don't get too excited! Big Ant have not met an intended release date as yet! The console versions were delayed and the release of the patches have not met the ETA's either.

I wouldn't be surprised if the pc release is not net either!

We met Friday after Friday mostly on time or early. Console versions were early in most countries, late in England.

Big Ant have kept their schedules of delivery, consider we develop it then others take it from there.
Looks like some of us here just take everything for granted. It wouldn't be a big deal for BA to put a full stop to all patches & take all the bug fixes to 2015 iterations considering that sales have gone beyond expectations already. It's just that we are lucky still to have such a wonderful post production support but we, without realizing it, just go crazy for ETAs of patches. Really?
Looks like some of us here just take everything for granted. It wouldn't be a big deal for BA to put a full stop to all patches & take all the bug fixes to 2015 iterations considering that sales have gone beyond expectations already. It's just that we are lucky still to have such a wonderful post production support but we, without realizing it, just go crazy for ETAs of patches. Really?

Spot on mate and a great post, BA could just fix online/runout bugs and call it a day and we all would get over it. Greed is a human fault and we all have it.
Yeah I must admit, Ive been on many gaming forums and I haven't experienced a level of inconsiderate spoiled-brat and nerd-rage that even rivals that of some people here on PC. It's actually pretty embarrassing...some people really need to find a life outside of waiting on a patch or a cricket game. I feel really bad for BA.....thanks for all the hard work and passion guys - there are actually some level-headed people over here who appreciate your dedication.
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What with work etc. i've not been able to play DBC or get on here much recently

I see i have missed some amazing fun. Gutted.

Anyway, I have just spoken to the leader of Boko Haram, and he is marrying off one girl for every 12 hours that there's no patch. Balls in your court @Ross.

What, too soon?
Anyway, I have just spoken to the leader of Boko Haram, and he is marrying off one girl for every 12 hours that there's no patch. Balls in your court @Ross.

What, too soon?

We all knew that already. Why do you think everyone's so hot under the collar?
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I see i have missed some amazing fun. Gutted.

I also, have missed some "fun" ...some people need to post less, a lot less, when we're not around.
Look i have being a fan of bigant and they are not as bad as ea or codies ,. How ever i dont think they are doing a favor by patching the game. Afterall we paid more for this game then anyother game and clearly there are some bugs. We paid for a the best game ever as they clamed it to be before release .not a thing where you get run out automaticly or ai sets crazy fields

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