Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

How ever i dont think they are doing a favor by patching the game.

Yeh adding all the non-essential stuff that they are adding after listening to extensive feedback from the communnity...that is totally to be expected.
so approximately how many days more are we waiting for?
also have you thought of adding a feature where you can have keeper come up to stumps for a medium pacer?
most of my edges fall short of keeper as i bowl a lot of slower balls.
is fixing the crazy AI, and runout bug non-essential????:eek:

My point is it isn't just 'fixes'. More work has gone in to it than fixing the essential stuff.

Either way, showing a modicum of appreciation wouldn't go astray.
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I just wanted an update is it coming on monday or not. Because two times the date got cancelled so frustation naturally builds up.

They have said it's dependent on one of the platforms (MS) giving the patch the ok before it is released. BA is good to go at their end, so just chill brah :)
I just wanted an update is it coming on monday or not. Because two times the date got cancelled so frustation naturally builds up.

Go complain to MS/SONY as there the ones holding it up not Big-Ant
I for one have a lot of faith in Big Ant Studio's. They've put their heart and soul into the game, they've listened to the fans to try and improve the game the best way possible.

I believe it's best to stay patient, instead of rushing them. It's best to let them have the time to do the job properly, instead of rushing for a release date and have an unfinished product.

I can't wait for patch #2 to be released. It's already a marvellous game, and it can only get a lot better.
Are we able to play the game? Yes

Are we still enjoying it? Yes

Are some of you so impatient that you cannot play the game anymore until it is patched???

Go out into the 'real' world and do something else. Problem solved... :wave
Guys, we are already into the next week. There is a sporting extravaganza going on at the same time. The patch has already been submitted and is its out of BA`s hands now. How unforgiving and naive can the users act!
How unforgiving and naive can the users act!

It's only the 5% acting like children. Rest of us are fine with the wait as we understand the situation & we're not posting every 5 minutes complaining like it would make a difference... Sitting back and enjoying the world cup atm so not too bad atm! :)
How ever i dont think they are doing a favor by patching the game.

Hahah... what?

Afterall we paid more for this game then anyother game and clearly there are some bugs.

Welcome to every game ever made for a console. Not sure what your point is? Games are expensive and buggy? It's like you've never paid for a console title before or something? Have you been drinking? Serious question.

We paid for a the best game ever as they clamed it to be before release

Citation required. Can you smell beer where you're sitting? Serious question.

.not a thing where you get run out automaticly or ai sets crazy fields

The latter happens occasionally, the former happens infrequently and is getting patched out pretty soon, the very thing that you started out by saying you didn't want?

Are you drunk? Serious question.
Hahah... what?

Welcome to every game ever made for a console. Not sure what your point is? Games are expensive and buggy? It's like you've never paid for a console title before or something? Have you been drinking? Serious question.

Citation required. Can you smell beer where you're sitting? Serious question.

The latter happens occasionally, the former happens infrequently and is getting patched out pretty soon, the very thing that you started out by saying you didn't want?

Are you drunk? Serious question.

Whatever dude. God, whem people would stop a.. l.....
On a semi-serious note, there's too much crap to wade through so can someone clarify - has the patch been refused approval by one of the platforms, or just not approved yet?

If the latter surely we can still expect it to be reasonably imminent?

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