Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

As in "groin" being the term used for go light in a traffic light!
I used to love visting my parent friends and son in the 80s and I need to know, do they still say "wazock" down there? What a great insult!
There's this thing that people who aren't thieves do when they want something. They set about working for it.

The time you spend playing your pirated copies of games is surely time you could spend earning the money for the game? Still, why do that when you can be what's in your nature?

no one thinks about the people who are living in 3rd world countries.. for u guys 50 $ is nothing but if i tell u to spend 3600 $ for a game.. u'll just suicide! same thing for me! if the price would be 50 taka - 500 taka even, i would buy it for showing the gratitude for such attempt and for my love for cricket games. ROSS that's the reason why the people from subcontinent do not buy original dvd's.. we also use pirated windows.. because the developers do not think about us..
no one thinks about the people who are living in 3rd world countries.. for u guys 50 $ is nothing but if i tell u to spend 3600 $ for a game.. u'll just suicide! same thing for me! if the price would be 50 taka - 500 taka even, i would buy it for showing the gratitude for such attempt and for my love for cricket games. ROSS that's the reason why the people from subcontinent do not buy original dvd's.. we also use pirated windows.. because the developers do not think about us..

How on earth is that a valid excuse for thieving? Imagine a bloke going into Tesco's and stealing ?39.99 worth of meat (Yes this happens I work for the co-op!) and saying sorry guys I would pay but instead of making it ?39.99 it should be ?9.99. Your pricing is so unfair.

In fact 3600 roughly translates to ?39.99 which would be fair not only on consumer's but the games developers. Asking for the game price to be lowered just specifically for you is ludicrous. It'd be like me going to a local car dealership and nicking the car, then complaining because it's priced at ?1900 when i think it should be priced at a fraction of that at ?1900. Most people if they want something, save up for it or go with out. Either get a job and save up or go without. You and I were born with nothing, we'll both die with nothing but what I can do is earn enough money to buy what I want, rather than going out and stealing. Which is effectively what you're doing. FYI Big Ant Studio's didn't set the price, it's the publisher and also the region's choice to come up with a price that's fair on both developers and consumer.
no one thinks about the people who are living in 3rd world countries.. for u guys 50 $ is nothing but if i tell u to spend 3600 $ for a game.. u'll just suicide! same thing for me! if the price would be 50 taka - 500 taka even, i would buy it for showing the gratitude for such attempt and for my love for cricket games. ROSS that's the reason why the people from subcontinent do not buy original dvd's.. we also use pirated windows.. because the developers do not think about us..

If I didn't think about you guys then the price would be higher globally and you wouldn't have had a local release.

It's not money that is the issue, people crack and steal $0.99 apps - they are thieves.

The game is yet to break even, we are in losses, every theft, every torrent seed is helping keep it that way.
no one thinks about the people who are living in 3rd world countries.. for u guys 50 $ is nothing but if i tell u to spend 3600 $ for a game.. u'll just suicide! same thing for me! if the price would be 50 taka - 500 taka even, i would buy it for showing the gratitude for such attempt and for my love for cricket games. ROSS that's the reason why the people from subcontinent do not buy original dvd's.. we also use pirated windows.. because the developers do not think about us..

So you're fine with being a thief.

Can't afford it? Then you don't get to play it - pretty tweaking simple. The audacity to pirate it then ask for fixes and changes is utterly moronic.
I used to love visting my parent friends and son in the 80s and I need to know, do they still say "wazock" down there? What a great insult!

I'm From Wakefield, and I occasionally hear it, never understood what it meant as a kid.
So you're fine with being a thief.

Can't afford it? Then you don't get to play it - pretty almighty tweaking simple. The audacity to pirate it then ask for fixes and changes is utterly moronic.

Well that's the problem,if we extrapolate this principal of capitalist world about the effects of value of money to everyday objects,we may realize that the rich (in this context the rich are those countries with relatively more stable value of money) will get richer,more intellectually aware and poorer will dwell down even more and it is "Already" happening actually in many frontiers,Well that is not to say that "oh yeah so that's' why we steal and devs can fling around with their losses" but it is actually quite complex,the comparative TVM...gosh this is getting almighty tweaking complex to explain my point...

well kamrul is wrong aswell about "the developers don't think about us" i mean this is really a sick statement...

no one thinks about the people who are living in 3rd world countries.. for u guys 50 $ is nothing but if i tell u to spend 3600 $ for a game.. u'll just suicide! same thing for me! if the price would be 50 taka - 500 taka even, i would buy it for showing the gratitude for such attempt and for my love for cricket games. ROSS that's the reason why the people from subcontinent do not buy original dvd's.. we also use pirated windows.. because the developers do not think about us..

Theft is theft, unless it's a matter of survival. It's not like you stole bread to feed a starving family. If a community as a whole choses to steal, it's a communal or cultural thing, that anyone with an ounce of real integrity can break out of.

Finally, I would not just as you say "suicide", if I couldn't have any luxury, because there are many I go without.

As for 3600 taka, that's like NZ$52. I didn't pay that I paid $NZ109 for it, because thats the cheapest it was. That's like 7,420 taka.

Now I know money is much harder to earn in developing countries, but it's not that impossible, if you'd saved for it and worked hard enough, you'd have been able to buy it. You're able to pay for an internet connection, which unless you're stealing that as well, then I can't see how you couldn't have achieved paying for this game.

When I know a new title is coming out that I want, I start putting aside $4 a week for it to minimise the money I have to pay on the day, because we can't just buy anything we want.

What we are able to get in life, took my wife and I long hours of work and study as young people and the ability to resist temptations for a long time. There's a wrong perception that people in more fully developed countries just get whatever the heck they want in life. Not so, there are poor and middle classes living in a widening gap with the rich and many have to work very hard to achieve any progress in life.

Interesting thing about a lot of the so-called "poor". One of the things anyone can see all over developing and also developed countries is many of these people who have lots of children, cigarettes and alcohol. Then they complain how hard it is to move forward and achieve things in life.

Finally, nothing I am saying reflects any feelings on genuine, hard-working poor people who don't steal. For them I have genuine respect.
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Well that's the problem,if we extrapolate this principal of capitalist world about the effects of value of money to everyday objects,we may realize that the rich (in this context the rich are those countries with relatively more stable value of money) will get richer,more intellectually aware and poorer will dwell down even more and it is "Already" happening actually in many frontiers,Well that is not to say that "oh yeah so that's' why we steal and devs can fling around with their losses" but it is actually quite complex,the comparative TVM...gosh this is getting almighty tweaking complex to explain my point...

well kamrul is wrong aswell about "the developers don't think about us" i mean this is really a sick statement...


Keeping it in the context of this game, not general economics:

The game is yet to break even, we are in losses, every theft, every torrent seed is helping keep it that way.

Whomever is stealing it is a in all regards a thief.
Keeping it in the context of this game, not general economics:

Whomever is stealing it is a in all regards a thief.

ahan okay :) well ross Can we Mod the camera aswell? I really really really want a much closer broadcast cam and a bit elevated Behind the bowler (close) cam? is it possible with mod? or by chance if you are in a mood of accepting requests? :D
I feel sorry for smaller studios such as Big Ant... I'm sure a lot of people pirate games because of the greed of bigger corporations. The truth of it is, the people pirating games won't be causing a splash in the ocean for these big companies, but the smaller developers could do with every purchase possible.
I feel sorry for smaller studios such as Big Ant... I'm sure a lot of people pirate games because of the greed of bigger corporations. The truth of it is, the people pirating games won't be causing a splash in the ocean for these big companies, but the smaller developers could do with every purchase possible.

Even for the big companies they are putting a decent dent into the bottom line. That's why many of them are comfortable moving to free 2 play (but pay more as you go) and dlc models. Sometimes they appear to be using patches on consoles in the hope that as long as the vast majority of the network is secure that only those paying will be getting the best from their game.

Even the big companies are scrambling to find ways to beat piracy, because everyone wants something for nothing, since the days of napster right through to the days of torrents.

I do however agree that smaller companies suffer more, but that's the difference, not that the big don't.

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