Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

kk, thanks :)

That makes me want a hud (or some kind of feedback) about the actual physics even more - I can't correct what I don't know I've gotten wrong.

The result here would lead me to think I was _early_ on the shot, but the only feedback available to me is that I got the timing pretty much spot on ...

What you are seeing is a bug, if it wasn't there then you'd know what your issue is. It's most unfortunate.

That said, one of the key drivers of a sequel will be to make this game far more accessible, the next game needs to be far more intuitive and give users the ability to pick up and play far more easily, I believe we can keep the same (or near same) controls but have far better feedback and cues.
What you are seeing is a bug, if it wasn't there then you'd know what your issue is. It's most unfortunate.

That said, one of the key drivers of a sequel will be to make this game far more accessible, the next game needs to be far more intuitive and give users the ability to pick up and play far more easily, I believe we can keep the same (or near same) controls but have far better feedback and cues.

Heh. Is this where I take what you've said and read it as confirmation of a sequel, with cheerleaders? What's the release date?


And in all seriousness, you make it, I'll buy it. I'll buy a next gen console just to play it, if I have to.

I won't install Windows, though, fearsome tweak that noise.
As an aside, the "if you're going to go off the deep end" stuff is offensive.

Cool, so report it. I'm telling you, if you want to discuss this constructively you can drop the "I completed first year physics so I understand everything" nonsense because it's only to bait me, and I'll bite. Every time. So deal with it, or report it. What you take "offense" to is your problem, not mine. Chillaxing would be the best case scenario. Moving on...

I'm saying, with solid evidence, that something about the tweak to batting in patch 2 produces some strange results in certain situations.

...and your evidence isn't "solid" it's an anomaly that's caused by either incorrect input or wrong timing of the ball. Simple as that, again, seeing the ball leaving the hand would help to judge whether you were early or late on the shot, but since I don't see that, I'm guessing. It's not a stab at YOU personally, I'm just saying it's prolly not the games fault.

If it's as simple as requiring my guys skill bars to be higher, in order for batting to be less of a lottery, then how about you stop saying it's down to player skill?

You get how the skill-bar system works, yeah? The better you play the game the more skill points you receive each match and therefore, your career player gets better. You're taking this so personally, it's really weird, to be honest. I'm not saying I'm any better than you, I'm just saying my first reaction when something goes wrong in the game isn't to say "Oh my god, the physics are wrong and it's a bug" my reaction is "I did something wrong, what was it, how can I get better?" That's pretty much it. The longer you play, the better you get, the bigger scores you rack up, the more skill points you receive. That is how it works for me and many, many others and they're not feeling or seeing any of the problems you are, I'm having fun. If someone thinks I need to spend more time bowling spin, then I'll take that advice (and have done) on board and not get all pissy about it because Matt would prolly stop taking my match requests if I just gave up on bowling and asked for it to be patched because; Hard.

Anyways, that's me done on this topic because I think Ross pretty much covered the rest of the Graphics vs Physics bit anyway.

Cool, so report it.



FWIW, my first reaction isn't "the physics are wrong" either. Neither do I dismiss the possibility of a bug out of hand, and assume that anyone with an issue is having an issue because they aren't playing well enough.

I thought the complaints about the fielding were overdone prior to patch 1, largely because the way I played meant I didn't get a whole lot of the guys running from deep midwicket to take a catch at long off.

That didn't mean I spent time telling everyone else that they just needed to learn not to hit the ball in the air, though.
But that wasn't the issue, the issue was the fielders were catching everything and 90% of people playing the game experienced the same issue. That's how you figure out it's a balancing issue, and it's been fixed.

What your experiencing isn't a bug and you in all likelihood, do need to get better at playing the game. I don't know why this is such a problem for you and so personal, nor why you think it's me "dismissing" your issues. All I'm saying is with all due respect, humbleness and honesty of the highest degree, it's just a practice thing. You'll get more skill points, your player will improve alongside your progression as you get better at playing the game. It's all linked. It's kinda wonderful. It's also why I'll never play as a bowler in career mode, because I suck.

I've been told I need to get better at bowling, I do. I'm not going to sit and create YouTube videos of all the things I think are wrong with the game, I'm just going to go and get thrashed by @blockerdave or the AI and learn to get better or practice a delivery in the arcade mode.

...I literally spent an hour practicing the late-cut so I didn't keep hitting it straight to slips and I can 8/10 times get a boundary from it now. As a comparison, I practiced every which way, discussed my thoughts on the forum with many and traded PM's with @SnowyCasanova on the topic of the overpowered fielding until I was certain it was a balance issue that almost all the experienced folks playing the game were all facing. It got fixed to be a little better, the field sets are all still wrong and you KNOW that's an issue because @zimrahil is all over it like a rash and he knows his shit.

So yeah.

kk, thanks :)

That makes me want a hud (or some kind of feedback) about the actual physics even more - I can't correct what I don't know I've gotten wrong.

The result here would lead me to think I was _early_ on the shot, but the only feedback available to me is that I got the timing pretty much spot on ...

The answer really is to focus on the ball and not how the batsman interacts with it. I know this argument has been done to death but it's your input relative to the release of the ball, not what the batsman appears to do as a result. But I'm sure you already know this :)

The key point is going to the nets. By getting to know each delivery, you are able to learn what swing timing results in early/ideal/late timing, since you have your feedback there - just like having a coach stood by you calling you out for bad shots.

I wouldn't personally expect a HUD in matches since the matches ought to be the net result of your practice. Timing will influence the result of your shots, so if your timing is off in matches, then you haven't truly learned the timing. More time is needed in the nets - which you should be doing in between matches anyway. :)
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When I practice batting, I prefer to just start up a Test match and either bat first or sim the first inning if I'm fielding.

In the nets, if it's the same as the CA Nets beta at least, you can see the machine move slightly before the ball is released, so you can see where it's going. I just could not stop myself looking at it either.

Using a match to practice batting also allows you to have a bat with left handers, right handers and differently skilled batsmen easily (I know you can set this in the menu in the nets too) and you don't get the cue of where the machine points, as well as visual feedback on whether a shot was catchable.
When I practice batting, I prefer to just start up a Test match and either bat first or sim the first inning if I'm fielding.

In the nets, if it's the same as the CA Nets beta at least, you can see the machine move slightly before the ball is released, so you can see where it's going. I just could not stop myself looking at it either.

Using a match to practice batting also allows you to have a bat with left handers, right handers and differently skilled batsmen easily (I know you can set this in the menu in the nets too) and you don't get the cue of where the machine points, as well as visual feedback on whether a shot was catchable.

True, but everyone should be playing nets in career mode each and every time the sessions are available. If only because it's free skill points! :)

The major difference though between nets and matches is that you have to literally watch the ball out of the bowler's hand, because obviously the bowler is moving whilst you know where the machine is which doesnt change.

I actually do what you have implied and focus on the release point. It's not hard to spot the release from a bowler though. You're eyes just need to be in the right place. If you are focusing on where you think the ball will land, you will miss the release point and as a natural result, your timing will be all over the place. :)
True, but everyone should be playing nets in career mode each and every time the sessions are available. If only because it's free skill points! :)

The major difference though between nets and matches is that you have to literally watch the ball out of the bowler's hand, because obviously the bowler is moving whilst you know where the machine is which doesnt change.

I actually do what you have implied and focus on the release point. It's not hard to spot the release from a bowler though. You're eyes just need to be in the right place. If you are focusing on where you think the ball will land, you will miss the release point and as a natural result, your timing will be all over the place. :)
Didn't know that... Back to the start of Career mode I go! (was planning to anyway, wanted to use GM Purist @suddyz made because it's 99% the same as my IRL bat :))
Didn't know that... Back to the start of Career mode I go! (was planning to anyway, wanted to use GM Purist @suddyz made because it's 99% the same as my IRL bat :))

Yep you'll get about 6 - 10 skill points each session of 60 balls. You do the nets by pressing LT (L2) on the career screen, and can do 1 session between each match.
kk, thanks :)

That makes me want a hud (or some kind of feedback) about the actual physics even more - I can't correct what I don't know I've gotten wrong.

The result here would lead me to think I was _early_ on the shot, but the only feedback available to me is that I got the timing pretty much spot on ...

I spent a long time in a practice match situation experimenting with hitting the ball as late and as early as possible. Playing front and back foot straight drives still sent the ball back at a catchable height to the bowler. Whether he caught the ball or not is another matter. The foot and timing indicators indicated that everything I was doing was correct.
I know that BA have tweaked the game somewhat but this didn't occur pre-patch 2. Most of the game is a lot better now, agreed, but this shouldn't happen to a well timed shot.
while we're talking about physics (several hours ago) maybe @Ross could discuss seam movement and it's apparent absence in the game?

also... i have noticed leg-break and left-arm orthodox both move like an off-break.

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