Patch 3 Wishlist

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Easy singles are available by blocking the ball to legside or off side depending upon the angle from which the bowler is coming into bowl. Throws to blower and keeper should not happen every delivery. They mostly have to dive around to collect the throws which looks very unrealistic.
i agree with the statement about the broadcast cam. when the first version of the demo came out you could see the ball travel all the way into the stands. i feel that since it was in the game to start with it could be added back it actually looked really amazing when you would time a lofted pull for 6. also noticed that unlike dbc14 no option for batsmen to be assigned team colour every batsmen is assigned team colour to gloves and pads by default. not really a game breaker but would have been nice to see make a comeback in this edition. also for some reason the logos dont look nice when zoomed in, i am not sure if it has been addressed as to why do they look that way is it the size of the upload file? i am not a modder so i dont know for sure,it just sucks a little cuz alot of great custom creations are on the forum now but dont really look crisp enough when it comes to logo details like the pixels on the edges so i feel for them it probably takes alot of time to make all this stuff
Can we get an option to have names at the bottom of shirts?
Can we get an option to have names at the bottom of shirts?
Can we get an option to have names at the bottom of shirts?

**My game in career mode is stuck as I cant' play in any user created grounds. Everytime a user created venue is selected, the game is crashing. Big Ant needs to fix this ASAP as this is a Sev 0 issue and requires immediate attention**


**My game in career mode is stuck as I cant' play in any user created grounds. Everytime a user created venue is selected, the game is crashing. Big Ant needs to fix this ASAP as this is a Sev 0 issue and requires immediate attention**

Assume therefore you've reported it in the bugs thread rather than just here?
BA needs to put the process of setting up fielding back to the way it was in DBC 14. The method they have now is bad. Why try to fix something that's not broken is beyond me. Also i really hope the batting gets a major overhaul to something similar to what it was in DBC 14. Keep the bowling as it is though its great imo. These two things are my biggest patch 3 wishlist.
Restriction of 3 fielder outside the inner circle needed to remove from 5 and 10 over game. Inbulit fielding options were very good and handy in DBC14. I want to get this back in DBC17. Powerplay option is also missing in 5 and 10 over game.
when we play online especially for shorter formats there is field restriction only 3 fielders allowed outside the circle. so when i bowl first i don't waste time looking for other defensive fields but only when i bat later i realize my opponent sets 4 or 5 fielders outside the circle. it gives him fair advantage when chasing huge totals.

if there is a way to identify the field restriction information somewhere in the field editor or in the hud or menus it should be great.
**My game in career mode is stuck as I cant' play in any user created grounds. Everytime a user created venue is selected, the game is crashing. Big Ant needs to fix this ASAP as this is a Sev 0 issue and requires immediate attention**
Try deleting all created stadiums, they will default back to the SCG - which will at least allow you to continue your career.
What happened to the take screenshot option in stadium creator? I was hoping this would be used for ground selection but it hasn't made it into the game? Or is there something I'm missing?
That is because of how this game is intended to be played. Unlike Ashes 2009 or the EA games, this game is`nt about one ball pitch marker and one speed meter. You have to input your controls realtime to finish the bowling action, which one would`nt be able to do if there was a TV-style almost static camera. In this game, you wouldnt be able to go through the bowling action if the camera isn`t back far enough.

I hate the current state of this forum where people are cribbing about things without even getting the point. If you all want to go back to the over-simplified crap that EA and Codemasters labelled as cricket, you are free to do so. For the first time, we have a game which has most elements of the sport correct. For the first time, we have a developer who has pushed the envelope and been ambitious.
Then how come dbc 14 is better than dbc 17 keeping the bowling aside
patch wishlist. bare with me ive been playing everyday since DEC 16

basically anything worse than DBC14 needs urgent fixing

fix the broken camera transitions - its worse than dbc14
fix the running between wickets - they dont slide their bats pre-crease - worse than dbc14
fix the stats not tracking in career
fix the skills/attirbutes not being updated in career
fix the 360 batting wheel, so we can hit the deadzones, but actually pin point areas within zones. at the moment the game decides where we hit once we decide legside/offside. its massively broken. its a long way from DBC14. this is a serious problem
fix the weather so we actually have some
fix the academy crashing - a huge chunk of the game
fix the unrealistic love of diving from throws to the wickets
fix the animation from pressing leave on a spinner which makes your foot leave the crease for 0.01 seconds and results in a stumping
fix the super fielding spinners
fix the commentary - during development it was publicised that people werent happy with DBC14s commentary and presentation, so it would have been interesting to see the reaction when DBC17 is worse
fix the sliders not saving in the pause menu
fix your broken QA process. seriously.

depsite enjoying the game, its a frustrating mess. its not worthy of sale at the moment, there are serious issues with career mode not working as intended - its the meat of the game and its in a broken state - work arounds to simulate matches, delete logos/get best and start again have resulted in many career retarts, which means mindless numbing T20 matches which resulted in numerous simulation fests which uncovered the saddening fact that NO MATTER WHAT U DO IN CAREER you will always get the same XP per match for that given grade, thus there is no proper reward for hitting centuries or hatricks other than promotion to the next grade. your skills do not progress faster if you avg 150 in club cricket, compared to 12 in the same club. you will always get 3,000 XP @ club level. this is WRONG!
how about some XP reward for playing well - some extra XP for hitting tonnes and taking wickets in a match - proper goals within a match not the goals we see now like take 500 runs or 150wickets which take seasons.
im sure we will get there, but we are still 3 patches off. i hope a chunky patch is due for PC release that does fix most of the above. you cant surely have another release with these known issues
Then how come dbc 14 is better than dbc 17 keeping the bowling aside

To be blunt, it's not. DBC 17 has some teething problems, but is still a game with far greater potential. Apart from the length issue the bowling is better, apart from that bug that prevents some shots the batting is arguably better, and the fielding system in general works better, though needs a bit of rebalancing. DBC 14 had bigger issues at release, give the game time.
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