Patch 3 Wishlist

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This should be resolved, but the fix won't impact existing careers.

Try adding a '3 team 1 day league' to your tour by pressing the 'add competition' button when viewing the tour calendar.
Thanks for the update. Will it be fixed in the upcoming patch?
I dont know what you mean about bowling, i am talking about batting boardcast camera angle.
I want it to feel like I am watching a cricket match on TV and that's why I always play on broadcast camera because I want see the ball more closer like on how you see it on TV.
I like the DBC series and will always support it but I am entitler to my opinion.
It just that I play this game different compare to you.

Man, I understand that what you want is a closer, more zoomed in view, like on TV. However, that would mean that you would`nt be able to track the bowler through his runup. To bowl a good delivery with the DBC controls, you need to keep a eye on the animations to input the jump and release at the proper time. A zoomed in cam would mean that you won`t be able to track the whole runup and thus it would become impossible to bowl. Earlier games could afford a TV-style zoomed in camera because the bowling action was just cosmetic and the user had no control over the deliveries except for the ball marker.

If you want to go back to that anachronistic system of yours, feel free to go back to IC2010 or Cricket 2007.
Man, I understand that what you want is a closer, more zoomed in view, like on TV. However, that would mean that you would`nt be able to track the bowler through his runup. To bowl a good delivery with the DBC controls, you need to keep a eye on the animations to input the jump and release at the proper time. A zoomed in cam would mean that you won`t be able to track the whole runup and thus it would become impossible to bowl. Earlier games could afford a TV-style zoomed in camera because the bowling action was just cosmetic and the user had no control over the deliveries except for the ball marker.

If you want to go back to that anachronistic system of yours, feel free to go back to IC2010 or Cricket 2007.
I am talking about the camera angle after you played your shot when the ball is in the air because the current broadcast camera angle is not broadcast angle but more of a aerial view.
Saying that I should go back to playing IC2010 or Cricket 07 makes no sense because this game wasn't just made for you but for anyone and we all can give our suggestions and opinions.
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Man, I understand that what you want is a closer, more zoomed in view, like on TV. However, that would mean that you would`nt be able to track the bowler through his runup. To bowl a good delivery with the DBC controls, you need to keep a eye on the animations to input the jump and release at the proper time. A zoomed in cam would mean that you won`t be able to track the whole runup and thus it would become impossible to bowl. Earlier games could afford a TV-style zoomed in camera because the bowling action was just cosmetic and the user had no control over the deliveries except for the ball marker.

If you want to go back to that anachronistic system of yours, feel free to go back to IC2010 or Cricket 2007.

The bowling & batting broadcast cam in their current state are just fine. What is required is improvement in Fielding/Running Broadcast Cam. It really needs to have a Televised style broadcast cam instead of Drone/Aerial View Cam. It compromises nothing. You'll have the same bowling runup & input view.
The bowling & batting broadcast cam in their current state are just fine. What is required is improvement in Fielding/Running Broadcast Cam. It really needs to have a Televised style broadcast cam instead of Drone/Aerial View Cam. It compromises nothing. You'll have the same bowling runup & input view.
That's what I am trying to say but I think he don't understand what we are talking about lol.

My only two wishes, batting mentality to have more of an effect, and more leaves please when bowling at the AI in a test.

Other than that, it is all coming together nicely.
Is there any chance we could get the menu where you can change pitch type and condition weather conditions and umpires from the casual game set up and have it come up as we are starting a tour match and before any competition match thanks
If possible I would like to be able to see more player info on team selection page. There is less info on this screen than when creating default line ups, and at a bare minimum we should see bat/bowl/field ratings and mentality.

Something similar to the manage batting order screen.

Please, if nothing new stats wise is planned, revert back to DB14 stats for career and stars tracking.

As mentioned ad nauseam cover/square drives please.

Logo crash bug obviously !!

Other than that I'm having a great time.
Too much has been written about batting and the next patch should definitely focus on making it more enjoyable and realistic. In addition to that pull toward leg needs to be replaced with a glance. Batsmen both human and AI keep pulling good length balls.
Cut shot for six from Yorker length reminds me of Ashes 2009. How did this shot make into a Bradman game is beyond me.
Fielding is also ruining gameplay for me. AI fields horribly slow (ground fielding). Spinner of their own bowling and keeper need to be made more mortal.
I tried playing the game yesterday but these nuisances are not letting me have as much fun as I would expect from this
Patches to sort unobtainable achievements on the xbox one would be nice!
All achievements related to carreer for international are currently unobtainable after patch as playing a carreer international match glitches carreer ands send you back to start a new carreer.
25 Reflex catches is also currently unobtainable on xbox one.
Too much has been written about batting and the next patch should definitely focus on making it more enjoyable and realistic. In addition to that pull toward leg needs to be replaced with a glance. Batsmen both human and AI keep pulling good length balls.
Cut shot for six from Yorker length reminds me of Ashes 2009. How did this shot make into a Bradman game is beyond me.
Fielding is also ruining gameplay for me. AI fields horribly slow (ground fielding). Spinner of their own bowling and keeper need to be made more mortal.
I tried playing the game yesterday but these nuisances are not letting me have as much fun as I would expect from this

There should be risk/reward factor; if the bowler hit's their 'screws'; (golf term) then this should be a catch if not then it should go to the boundary or into space for a run or runs.
- reduce the ridiculous number of byes. I get something like 40-60 runs in a T20 from just byes thanks to non stop bouncers which brings me to
- umpire keeps giving warnings for bouncers despite AI bowling like 5 of them in one over, most of which looked either wide or nb but really not given
- umpire giving 1st bouncer warning at times on the 6th ball. I mean what use is this? Simple code logic update to prevent this
- restore confidence meter. Pressing up on D-pad doesn't do anything for me
- Big wheel stats seem wrong to me but this may be a Big Wheel problem in itself, not the game rendition of it. It shows both left hander batsman and right hander batsman shots super imposed rendering the data incorrect. Shouldn't left hander hitting to offside be depicted on left side of Big Wheel instead of right side of Big Wheel?
- commentary is a dead giveaway to whether a challenge should be done or not... should keep element of surprise here for gamer
- reduce the super slips and super spinner spiderman abilities
- Constantly to have to adjust batsman at the crease. I like to bat on middle or sometimes on leg. Just cannot to seem to place batsman properly there. And if I do, it should stay for remainder of my batting
- If fielder stops balls in deep just near boundary, he doesn't throw ball back even if he's the closest. In one case, he awaited the point fielder to run back all the way and throw the ball allowing me to run 4 runs. I could've likely even run 5!
- add fielding radar and make it easier to set and invoke custom fields. Hell, use the PS4 controller mike to even make it verbal for cool feature
- better cameras as in DBC 14

+++ Add more animations to each shot type and have it pick random ones instead of the same canned ones for each shot for ALL players.

Overall, the game is decent as of now. But needs improvement. Someone had mentioned some batting problems and got banned but looks like their post really got the gist of all the issues properly.
- umpire keeps giving warnings for bouncers despite AI bowling like 5 of them in one over, most of which looked either wide or nb but really not given

- better cameras as in DBC 14

- Umpire gave AI warning for bouncer when no bouncer was ever bowled.

- I see Spiderman & Superman ... all out there. Flying & throwing themselves around when passing the ball to each other.

- Sometimes fielders play Stupidman by letting the ball slip away. They don't react quickly when the ball is rolling past them.

- DBC'14 had really bad camera work until they patched it up. But those patched camera work was of average quality compared to many of the past games. Nonetheless, I'll love to have DBC'14 cams back. Even better would be the broadcast fielding/running cam shown in the earlier release of Academy.
Hope patch allows us to have host nation WC or T20 when creating a competition also the line up bug when doing tours, its really frustrating to always change it before starting a match.
I would also like to see default stadiums available as templates in Stadium Creator for editing.
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