Patch #4 release update!

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Everyone is going on about 'getting it right' - but does anyone actually know whats coming in Patch 4?

Maybe the guys who are testing do but no official word about the scope of the patch.
Fair enough.

Ok, based on something I do know - everyone here should hope it's not released at the end of April or before.

I'm okay if it doesn't get released at the end of April, but to be honest with my fields shifting around randomly causing missed catch chances etc, it's a slightly broken game I've owned for 5 months now. Given that, in my opinion if it doesn't release at the end of the month, some indepth explanations of where things are at would be the decent thing to do surely?

I think it showed a month ago that most people were happy to get some info and some small picture of what's happening, it cooled things off well. Communication has only made things better and I think it would even in this situation as long as it was somewhat detailed compared to what came out at the start of this thread.

As for "we'll get more details to you as we can over the coming weeks" in post 1, that's been a bit of a joke surely? :yes The punchline is of course, "there are plenty of coming weeks scheduled for the calendar year".
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The fact that I can't reliably set a field 6 months after the release of the game probably says something.

Might have been worth releasing it at the end of this year if we're only going to get a functional game about halfway through this year.
I'm okay if it doesn't get released at the end of April, but to be honest with my fields shifting around randomly causing missed catch chances etc, it's a slightly broken game I've owned for 5 months now. Given that, in my opinion if it doesn't release at the end of the month, some indepth explanations of where things are at would be the decent thing to do surely?

I think it showed a month ago that most people were happy to get some info and some small picture of what's happening, it cooled things off well. Communication has only made things better and I think it would even in this situation as long as it was somewhat detailed compared to what came out at the start of this thread.

As for "we'll get more details to you as we can over the coming weeks" in post 1, that's been a bit of a joke surely? :yes The punchline is of course, "there are plenty of coming weeks scheduled for the calendar year".

I agree to every line in that post. DBC connected so well with fans through this forum, whats painfully is to see them go quite after the release.
Any buyer would be angry after 5 months of release and basic things not working. As a fan would definitely want to see the list of issues been fixed.
Also don't know why they have not gone in with say a fix patch forth-nightly by this the supporters know their pain is been dealt with.

Get back and talk to us Big Ant studio and DBC team. We can understand but only if you speak :)
BA has painted themselves into a corner by announcing a date for release (Late April) and keeping supporters in the dark regarding Patch 4 as if it was a state secret.
It is of THEIR own doing and they have virtually "Hoisted themselves on their own Petard" if either the date does not happen OR the Patch is inferior to expectations.
With now only 10 days left until May it is also running out of time to announce a delay or more to the point lesson the angst that a delay may engender to supporters of the game.

Personally I have no sympathy for their position as it is self inflicted, just like a hangover.
BA has painted themselves into a corner by announcing a date for release (Late April) and keeping supporters in the dark regarding Patch 4 as if it was a state secret.
It is of THEIR own doing and they have virtually "Hoisted themselves on their own Petard" if either the date does not happen OR the Patch is inferior to expectations.
With now only 10 days left until May it is also running out of time to announce a delay or more to the point lesson the angst that a delay may engender to supporters of the game.

Personally I have no sympathy for their position as it is self inflicted, just like a hangover.
Whilst respecting your sentiments I will say this:

BA are working their bollocks off as is the beta team and tangible progress is being made on many fronts. And should they decide they need to push things back then that is only to our, the players, benefit. Get as much right first time round as is possible. (Don't bother with the; it should have been right in the first place discussion: we are here where we are....that's all that matters now in terms of fixing what needs to be fixed.)
There is has been no word or nothing to suggest at this moment that BA are not planning to release a patch at the end of april
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Whilst respecting your sentiments I will say this:

BA are working their bollocks off as is the beta team and tangible progress is being made on many fronts. And should they decide they need to push things back then that is only to our, the players, benefit. Get as much right first time round as is possible. (Don't bother with the; it should have been right in the first place discussion: we are here where we are....that's all that matters now in terms of fixing what needs to be fixed.)
There is has been no word or nothing to suggest at this moment that BA are not planning to release a patch at the end of april

I'm always amazed by the responses people get to these kind of things. The patch will be released when it's ready, I don't get why people can't accept that things take time in this industry, especially for smaller developers. As you say, you're working their bollocks off on this game still, and it seems that many use anything that they discuss with the community as a stick to beat them with. I can understand discussions and debates about decisions that are made, but actually attacking them for a patch release date that is still 10 days from passing is bizarre, particularly since any additional time used will be exactly what most want, a better patch 4.
I'm always amazed by the responses people get to these kind of things. The patch will be released when it's ready, I don't get why people can't accept that things take time in this industry, especially for smaller developers. As you say, you're working their bollocks off on this game still, and it seems that many use anything that they discuss with the community as a stick to beat them with. I can understand discussions and debates about decisions that are made, but actually attacking them for a patch release date that is still 10 days from passing is bizarre, particularly since any additional time used will be exactly what most want, a better patch 4.
well to be fair I can understand that people could be frustrated by the lack of info and shouldn't have to rely on other members to garner info, when the opening post states that further info on the progress of the patch will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.....I think BA could do a lot lot more in terms of how they handle their public information.....either don't communicate or communicate well.

I'm always amazed by the responses people get to these kind of things. The patch will be released when it's ready, I don't get why people can't accept that things take time in this industry, especially for smaller developers. As you say, you're working their bollocks off on this game still, and it seems that many use anything that they discuss with the community as a stick to beat them with. I can understand discussions and debates about decisions that are made, but actually attacking them for a patch release date that is still 10 days from passing is bizarre, particularly since any additional time used will be exactly what most want, a better patch 4.

Of course, you are also absolutely right about some people
Whilst respecting your sentiments I will say this:

There is has been no word or nothing to suggest at this moment that BA are not planning to release a patch at the end of april

From an avid Gamer and Competitive Online Players perspective , I would think that if they cannot get all the Bugs squashed before the Cut Off date for submission , to send through whatever they have , and continue with the balance of the Bugs .

Because everyone would appreciate that we have at least received a Patch , bettering Gameplay by x percentage , and then most will be much more content to wait it out for the balance of the Bugs to get squished .

But to not release anything on the Timeframe , I would think would present much worse .

@BigAntStudios , @MattW , @HBK619 , your wise words would be appreciated .
Did i miss something? Are there any official words about patch is coming/not coming within the timeframe! Or, will it do justice or not! All bugs are addressed or not! etc.....

Or all this posts above are coming out as pure speculation!

Just wondering!
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