Patch General discussion

Have not seen any of the direct hit issue so far after 5 overs of fielding. Simulating forward to batting now...
For those that have played it, do batsmen still walk at a snail's pace to the crease if you don't hold R2 while finishing the run?
People should get online, there's this mikemerren333 bloke that is waiting to tonk some sixes!
Adding to that the wk or bowler doesnt seem to go for the run out in these cases.

Well that seems balanced. Played enough to get a general feeling for the superman abilities yet?

Hopefully someone can jump in to a new career mode and see if the player role issue has been resolved.

I don't suppose we could get an official change log @BigAntStudios?
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Well that seems balanced. Played enough to get a general feeling for the superman abilities yet?

I don't suppose we could get an official change log @BigAntStudios?

I am playing pro level. Problem is i am too good at it to get out at mid on or off where fielders have super humam abilities.

Also the AI hit the stumps directly one from infield amd one from outfiled twice in a row but the batsmen were in. But now it os back to normal so i would guess those two were just coincidents.

The bowlers or wicketkeeper dont seem to keep trying to break the stumps either.

I hit many sixes and the fielders dont seem to acting weird or running on billboards outside the boundary anymore .... Atleast i have not seen any so far.

Overall feeling much more polished at this moment. I only had played without the patch for one day. So someone who jas been playing for two weeks can notice the changes more.
@isrararrafi so you got the patch on a US PSN account?

Can an Indian account please confirm they can get it?
No ross. I have been playing in the uk psn. I did not try the usa account.
Damn, I just started to my office. Switching on my console would be the first thing I will do after returning back to home.

Btw, is it possible to see the change log?

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