PC demo released

You've got swine flu? Damn, sorry to hear that. Get well soon eh, so you can enjoy the game. Oh and my copy of Streetfighter IV is here - I'll be playing it later - busy right now.

Yeah, feel pretty rough. Think I'm gonna make it though. :laugh

Glad you got the game.
Help about demo

The ashes cricket demo is installed on my pc succesfully.
But it doesn't work means after starting it nothing happen.
I had tried all the things mentioned by different users in the forume.

Please someone help me.
This is the problem i am facing but mate sorry to say it will not work in your pc because you'r pc will be not fully compatible with ashescricket09 requirement's.
This is the problem i am facing but mate sorry to say it will not work in your pc because you'r pc will be not fully compatible with ashescricket09 requirement's.

Now how does you know that his pc isn't compatible with A09? does he stay next door? you know his system specs?
The problem he is telling only comes when your pc is not comaptible to run the game till now people facing that problem have telled themself there pc is not comaptible with ac09 requirment's.
This problem usually occur when you have Integrated video card with less video memory. Run "dxdiag" , save all information and post it here. We can then see what are your specifications.
I Have Downloaded Ashes 2009 PC Demo Completely,but After installing the game,It is showing ERROR as Send Information,Dont Send and I was unable to Play the Game.Please give me a Solution.
I Have Downloaded Ashes 2009 PC Demo Completely,but After installing the game,It is showing ERROR as Send Information,Dont Send and I was unable to Play the Game.Please give me a Solution.
your PC specifications are not fulfilled as required
your PC specifications are not fulfilled as required

after i install the game it says ashes cricket 2009 has encountered an error and needs to close.Give me a solution Please mates.

My Pc:
Intel core 2 duo processor 2.8 GHZ,
Windows XP Service pack 2.
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