PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

anyone wants a match?

MuchMore added 3 Minutes and 3 Seconds later...

dont think i can wait here too long for a response. So, I am gonna host a 20 over match, feel free to join. :)
idk if bumba is the pc member
but i apologize
my game stuck
and had to end task it as it was not responding. :mad:
can anyone tell me how to fix this thing

I too faced this problem 3 times playing online. I think only a patch can fix this
I'm up for a game in about 2 hours (11pm gmt) anyone fancy a 10 over (connection permitting)


@bumba26 sorry mate the game froze here had to restart the system. :doh Also it was lagging very badly.
Post your user name online for the pc version, and arrange matches here.

Username: the_gas

Anyone fancy a 20-20 game right now? I've tested online and servers are up and working, could only find one game and that was an ashes test match. :laugh

PC username - AC2009 username
The_Gas - The_Gas
cricketking10 - cricketking10
stevie - steviejb
Chrisw2k5 - ChrisW
Ronaldo7777 - BobbyB
Ricco_M - RiccoM
Earl_CG - Earl_CG
sententia - Oxtar
Allrounder - Allrounder18
yudi28 - abhishek
bad_till_bones - bad_till_bones

here is my details please put me also in the list
Kutchi - Kutchi

Avoid stoney,i made 210 from ten overs then he quit.:mad:What is the point?:facepalm
here is my details please put me also in the list
Kutchi - Kutchi

Done and done.

For future reference, i don't check this thread often, so if you want your name added, leave a visitor message.
Yeah i just played with one looser KJO. I scored 138 runs in 5 overs and i was bowling with only spinners still he lost 6 wkts and quit. What a fag.:mad:

boney_g added 2 Minutes and 17 Seconds later...

Fancy a quick game rocky?Create a game.Ive played 5 games tonight and havent completed 1 yet.

I will create a 10 over game join it.

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