PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

I crashed :doh, sorry dude you were hitting the crap outta me lol.
You probably wont believe me but thats your choice.:facepalm
Avoid stoney,i made 210 from ten overs then he quit.:mad:What is the point?:facepalm

We played each other too when the connection broke. I restricted you to 120 and then I was 9 for 2 when we lost connection. I imagine it could only have been due to technical things as there was no reason for either of us to quit. Is taht a fair stement to make? You smash a fair ball my friend and you had me really thinking of how to play you. The great thing about this game is that you can adapt. If someone is smashing you you have to change your line and length to try and reap rewards. To be fair if you had played "properly" you would probably been able to top 250 and I was going to be happy keeping it below 200. Anyway nice game, shame I couldn't bat out my innings. Your quickies were tormenting me! I would have struggled to get the required runs but you never know.:)

Anyone want a game?:)You are a canny player dutch.Ok stoney we will have to have a rematch.
I've made a 20/20 game if someone's willing to play, come n join!
I must apologise to dudemartin I lost connection while playing him. In my defense, i was on 32/1 after 1.2, batting first

Had a great game with dabi,i just nicked it in the end.Anyway off to bed now,rock ill play you tomorrow if thats ok.
Had a great game with dabi,i just nicked it in the end.Anyway off to bed now,rock ill play you tomorrow if thats ok.

That seems to imply that it was a close game! Perhaps you were just being kind. :)

I got too complacent when you were 70 for 7 or something. You played well with Ntini and Steyn. Ofcourse trying to go berserk when Albie Morkel came to bowl wasn't exactly a smart move either! :doh Oh well, next time!
what happened mate?
it was gonna be close (think I would have nicked it though;))
That seems to imply that it was a close game! Perhaps you were just being kind. :)

I got too complacent when you were 70 for 7 or something. You played well with Ntini and Steyn. Ofcourse trying to go berserk when Albie Morkel came to bowl wasn't exactly a smart move either! :doh Oh well, next time!

What score was he chasing? :spy
What score was he chasing? :spy

I was doing the chasing. He was like 70 for 7 with 9 overs to go. I got complacent, he scored 160 (20 overs). I decided to go all guns blazing, I was 43/4 in 4 overs when he brought on Albie, and i thought "Well this guy's going for 30 in this over" That resulted in me being 60 for 7 or something. Eventually I got out at 130.
^^ lol i had many close matches against jaraarrow most of them he won. But all of them ended in the last over.
yes boney_g
what happened last nite ??



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