PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Could they be updating the server or something like that??? (I am trying to sound like I know something about these kind of things but I know about as much about solving internet problems as George Bush knows about wiping his own bum!):)

Yep, getting the same message. Maybe they have changed the server for a new beta version or the final patch or maybe I am just talking right out of the heart of my bottom.
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Anyone in the know as to why the server is down? Does anyone from admin have any knowledge they can share?:)
Tried drowning myself in the shower after India got knocked out of the CT....:(:(

Didn't work, just ended up with an annoying head cold..:crying

Prime opportunity for anyone to give me a worse spanking than usual..:facepalm
anyone for a t20 ?? on standard version only as beta crashes on me for some reasons :doh

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