PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Have hosted a 10 over ODI. Anyone???????

OK noone!!!!! guess the waiting will continue after 30 min.

Kabooka!!! comeon dude make youe own tea and face the challenge dont let the new server down.

You still around my man??? Anyone?? Hello??? Is there anyone down there?????
Im coming guys ...... hold on & don't you dare play with each other ( in the most platonic of senses )

Hmmm as I can make out , it seems that both of you are indeed playing with each other. Anyways, ive set up a 10 over game , finish quickly & feel free to join me .

Kabooka added 7 Minutes and 7 Seconds later...

Lets have a game with Super Teams first, then maybe we could later play with Zimbabwe & Kenya
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Nice Game King, Very well played indeed:clap

But i gotta go now, i have to cook my afternoon meal & then eat it ( The obvious ) . Thanks for the good times :)
^ Yeah, this is the first time I actually gave somebody a fight. Looks like I'm fast learning things. Earlier I used to get bottled for 10 or 20 runs, and my opponent used to smack my horrible bowling like anything and score some 80 runs in 5 ovrs. From that stage, yeah, I indeed have improved a lot. Though, against reno, my batting was again horrible. :crying But yeah, I'm quick getting a grip of how things go about in the updated AC09. Another three/four days, and everything will be crystal clear.
^ Yeah, this is the first time I actually gave somebody a fight. Looks like I'm fast learning things. Earlier I used to get bottled for 10 or 20 runs, and my opponent used to smack my horrible bowling like anything and score some 80 runs in 5 ovrs. From that stage, yeah, I indeed have improved a lot. Though, against reno, my batting was again horrible. :crying But yeah, I'm quick getting a grip of how things go about in the updated AC09. Another three/four days, and everything will be crystal clear.

Indeed your Majesty ,
I was fairly surprised at your improved sword fighting skills ( Batting ) as well as valiant bowling skills. Now, Its time for me to go & kill my meal ( Like all Knights do ) as well as settle for a little afternoon movie ( Like all bachelors do ) while i much on my meal like a hungry nomad ( like all real men do ) . We shall practice sword fighting later in the evening.

Till then, Its greetings & Good day to You

Sir Kabooka of Gurgaonshire


Giddap Horsey, Giddap ....... Hurrrrr
I don't care what they tell me; I defy the rules ;)

Simply said if I've made it far enough to force the patch to install, I think I can find a way to launch the game. It's only a matter of time (whenever I feel extremely bored again to try again :p)

Do it quick. Dying to face you and take revenge of the Indo-Pak match. :spy Not other Pakistani player around.
Did I mention that Gurgaonshire is also known as Kabookaland, where lives the mighty dragon slayer Sir Kabooka, Knighted by Noble Queen Elizabeth II of England.
^ Nah, just played two big games. Gotta go and have my lunch. I will be back at around 2:30 PM. We'll play then. ;)

King Cricket added 1 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

Did I mention that Gurgaonshire is also known as Kabookaland, where lives the mighty dragon slayer Sir Kabooka, Knighted by Noble Queen Elizabeth II of England.

You are nothing but a big fat dacoit named Gabbar Singh. :p Beware Gabbar! Veeru, aka King_Cricket, is coming to get you!

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