PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Haha. Was feeling bored. So I decidd to go after every ball in my match with jaraarrow. Was reduced to 12. Can you believe it! :laugh
Tharindu is another quitter u can add to the ever growing list.:doh
Ok Ok OK ... now tell me who wants to play with Uncle Kabooka ?

Kabooka added 8 Minutes and 17 Seconds later...

Its a shame that me & ~AnDoMeDaGravE~ cant connect to each other. .... Dutch where are you ?
Woah :eek:! Thanks Reno, I just had a Batting Orgasm after like 2-3 weeks though im not sure how you feel :spy. If you feel like breaking my neck :mad: , i don't blame you for that, its human nature to Keeel for Food ;)

Thank you for the lovely game,

Peace & Regards
Anyone online, I have set up a T20 if anyone is interested!:rtfl
:rtfl Just played the funniest game ever with Niyagi or summit like that, just that he had 8 run outs against him and i was in stitches.
These were the funniest run outs ive ever seen.:D
^ what is your AC 09 online username st0ney ?

have set up a 10 over,join that?

Obviously not, it seems the only player I seem able to get a game with is Jajarrow ,and he always beats me.
Yeah man , i was just gonna join & you came offline
, Im hosting a 10 over game. Join if you wanna
Sorry can`t join,now have to get back to work,will be back on in a couple of hours,love to give you a game Kabooka.

Yeah , sure couple of hours sounds good.

Till then , anybody looking for a game ?
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