PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

I've finally got my sound working on the PC, so once I've got stuff transferred to it, and actually bought the PC version, I'll be on here. Next weekend or so, work pending.
cricketer112 was just raping me last night regardless of what types of bowlers I had on. :D

Bowl line and length to him, and vary your pace. It seems he cannot stop slogging, and hitting to the legside in general. :p
I suck against the AI spinners so it wasn't just down to my internet either. :D

I probably shouldn't have said that. :eek:

Stevie you must player cricketer112, he just does not play like us. You must play him, would love to see who wins. If you can keep your head, you can win easily, but get flustered and his all out attack approach can be a nightmare.
I added couple of people from here
My nick is: fazzy
Has anybody tried playing a multiplayer game having applied the corrected names data file? I'm holding off in case there is a risk of conflicts if players data files are different.
Any answers to those questions please guys? Worried they might get overlooked as they were at the bottom of the previous page.

Just tried joining the first game I've found via the search but got the "cannot connect to host error", hence my desire to get my first question answered. It's really annoying the "browser" (tbh it's not even close to deserving that name) doesn't tell you who his hosting the game; I can't tell if it's one of you folk or not. (Please accept my friend invitations).
I added couple of people from here
My nick is: fazzy

I'll approve you next time i login. Mrs is cooking steak, and once i've eaten im on a fast track to slobbing it out in front of the tv.

The_gas added 0 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

Any answers to those questions please guys? Worried they might get overlooked as they were at the bottom of the previous page.

Just tried joining the first game I've found via the search but got the "cannot connect to host error", hence my desire to get my first question answered. It's really annoying the "browser" (tbh it's not even close to deserving that name) doesn't tell you who his hosting the game; I can't tell if it's one of you folk or not. (Please accept my friend invitations).

Sorry, have not tried as of yet.
Scratch that, I won't be buying owt to fund their pockets until we hear something from them, re: patching this thing.
Thanks for your response the_gas (enjoy your steak). Unfortunately I only copied the less important question. This is the big one:

Also, have people had to open up router ports as we had to with Brian Lara 2007? I can't see anything on this in the readme this time.

After failing to connect to the game I found and then not having anybody join the game I set up (most probably due to lack of people tbh) it's just got me wondering.

Out of interest, how many of you folks have microphones? I get the impression that there is no in game chat (there's certainly nothing in lobby), which seems like a major stumbling block to me. I'd be willing to rent a Ventrilo server (a free voice over IP program - the servers are only a few quid a month), which would act as a useful congregation point rather than all this "anybody up for a game" posting & refreshing, as well as enabling in game chat and banter (which, personally, really makes a massive difference to my enjoyment of online games, particularly something as long as a cricket game)

While that'd be better than nothing, you'd still have to ALT+Tab / Windows Key out of the game to use it every time. With Ventrilo & a microphone however, you just need to push the key you specify or talk above a certain volume to trigger it into action without switching away from the game.
The online racing league I'm an admin at has a TeamSpeak server. If enough interest is generated in playing online, I may see if I can add a channel to the server.
You up for a game using TeamSpeak at the moment Stevie? If yes, post or PM us your IP please. I'll download TS now regardless - used to use it in my FPS days, but I've got to say that Ventrilo's sound quality is a lot better by my experience :O)

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