Club Captain
Had a nice game against 'sunnykinger'. Batting 1st he tonked me around for 15 RPO, me dropping two catches. He finally got to 76/0 of 5 overs.
I started well and mannaged to reach the target 4.3 overs, with loss of 2 wickets.
it was me
u played well

sunnykinger added 3 Minutes and 0 Seconds later...
man im so pissed off right now. ive played like 7 matches and was on the road to victory on all of them. and they quit out!! all of them. man why do they quit? these guys have already quit on me : punter,cmylan,ravi,allrounder18 seandil666, sandsaims, sunnykinger and there are some others i cant remember. please stop quiting.
quick question, if they quit, will the stats of the game still be counted towards the leaderboards?
excuse me
i didnt quit
i never did
i was facing some drivers problem on my PC
my PC used to crash all the time
while playing
it is fixed now
every now and then i apologized here
whenever while playing my PC crashed