PC vs Mac

I find it pretty hypocritic that the Mac fans that say "Mac OSX is much easier to the eye and look much cooler" insist that "Who cares for cosmetic make overs" when Windows enhanced eye candy and graphics with Windows Vista.

Kshitiz_Indian added 1 Minutes and 38 Seconds later...


Oh im not using the installing/uninstalling apps and the ilife suite as 'major' selling points. I just think it is a contributing factor to an average user. And about the pricing issue, IMO that only really apply's to the macbook pro's which are way overpriced. But the imacs start at 1600 bucks and offers a great bang for your buck. In my case the macbook which is like 1200/1300 bucks is perfectly affordable if you can go a few months without taking money out of your wallet.
Oh im not using the installing/uninstalling apps and the ilife suite as 'major' selling points. I just think it is a contributing factor to an average user. And about the pricing issue, IMO that only really apply's to the macbook pro's which are way overpriced. But the imacs start at 1600 bucks and offers a great bang for your buck. In my case the macbook which is like 1200/1300 bucks is perfectly affordable if you can go a few months without taking money out of your wallet.
Surely, but my point is that why should I go without taking money out of my wallet for so long when I can do that and get a pretty decent machine as well?
Surely, but my point is that why should I go without taking money out of my wallet for so long when I can do that and get a pretty decent machine as well?

Not necessarily, depends on how much money you earn. And when you talk about a pretty decent machine, spec wise yes, PC's are a bang for your buck. But build quality, you have to admit. Macs are far superior than PC's in a normal consumer market. You only have to have a look on the apple website to get what I'm on about.

Oh and before people start criticizing apples computers. I think it should only be fair for people who have used both pc and mac to make a call. Because it seems to be a lot of you are just using the same old reasons why Macs suck. I can take Sohums opinion though. But for people who have had no experience with macs. Seems a little harsh... Seeing as though I have had both sides of the sword.
Not necessarily, depends on how much money you earn. And when you talk about a pretty decent machine, spec wise yes, PC's are a bang for your buck. But build quality, you have to admit. Macs are far superior than PC's in a normal consumer market. You only have to have a look on the apple website to get what I'm on about.

Oh and before people start criticizing apples computers. I think it should only be fair for people who have used both pc and mac to make a call. Because it seems to be a lot of you are just using the same old reasons why Macs suck. I can take Sohums opinion though. But for people who have had no experience with macs. Seems a little harsh... Seeing as though I have had both sides of the sword.
I've used Macs, there's one at my school, there are plenty of them at my sisters college. But I just don't get the whole build quality argument, at least in Desktops. My PC is supposed to work, be fast, it isn't necessarily meant to be looking like a mean machine, pretty and stuff. This is exactly the kind of thing I'm after, paying extra for all the shine and shine?
You do pay for the wonderful monitor you get. It is for sure the best in the market atm.

Our computer lab in school is filled with ~50 previous generation iMacs (24'). When you start using one it really blows you away.

We use them for math/engineering/science related stuff, btw. Some really powerful programs that are Mac-Only. So it's not only for the 'creative' folk...

My sisters university also said that they would prefer her to use a Mac in comparison to a PC for her major. She is studying medicine. Even the majority of kids in the engineering department, which is usually referred to as a windows-only field, are now using Macs.

They're not all about looking pretty.
If you are not in North Amrerica and not a female then do not even think of buying MAC. You will end your life complaining to the programs and services you use for compatibility.

Everything that is developed for online is first developed for PC's and then comes MAC and Linux support.
I think the argument is quite simple really. Mac's are niche, very niche. Can't stand the things myself, I can build two PC's with the same spec, for the cost of an iMac (or whatever they've branded it). Oh and something like 4-5% of the home computer market is Mac's.
I'm a Mac. I got overcharged for what I could have got for a ?900 Windows PC, but I really couldn't care less. The Macbook Pro doesn't run any slower than a ?900 Windows lappy, as the Mac OS works beautifully. Unlike the Windows OS, which when you ctrl-alt-del and click on the processes you have loads of crap running at once, the Mac runs 2 programmes at a time, the actual Application you're using and the Finder. So you can have Firefox, iTunes, Finder, Photoshop, Last.Fm, Football Manager and Adium all running, but the OS is still running perfectly. Could never run all those programmes at once on a Windows PC, it'd just explode unless you've got a ridiculous system. The GUI of a Mac is just brilliant as well, everything's just so well laid out, it's a joy to use. The actual laptop itself is so beautifully styled too, couldn't be happier with my Mac, everything I could have asked for and more.

I've got my 2 year old PC plugged into my TV as well, so I can still play games. So really, I've got the best of both worlds. The Mac does everything bar playing games better than my PC, so I do everything else on my Mac, and whenever I fancy a game of ICC or WMMA2 I just turn the PC on. Perfect.

I've got an iPhone as well, man I'm an Apple wh0re, and I love it. Not going to claim that Apple are far superior in every way, as they're clearly not, as I still own a Windows PC, but if I had to choose between the 2 I'd go Apple everytime. I love my iPhone as well, couldn't give a ████ if people think they're over-rated, or that other phone's have more features, better cameras etc; the iPhone does exactly what I want it to do, and does it perfectly.
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We use them for math/engineering/science related stuff, btw. Some really powerful programs that are Mac-Only. So it's not only for the 'creative' folk...
Care to give some names instead of just abstract ideas of programs?

Even the majority of kids in the engineering department, which is usually referred to as a windows-only field, are now using Macs.
I very seriously doubt this and would like to see some proof. And since you're talking about engineering, I work in a real software engineering company (rated in the top 10 best engineering places to work, btw) and I'd say the vast, vast majority of the machines on our main campus are Windows. There are about 3000 employees here and >90% of the campus computers are Windows. We write software for engineers and we do build distributions for Mac and Linux but its clear that in the real world, most everyone uses Windows.

sohum added 8 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

Unlike the Windows OS, which when you ctrl-alt-del and click on the processes you have loads of crap running at once, the Mac runs 2 programmes at a time, the actual Application you're using and the Finder.
Sorry to say, but you have no idea how operating systems work. The processes tab gives you a list of all running processes on the system, not all programs that are running. The vast majority of processes running at any time are system and background processes, not programs. To get a better comparison, open up a Terminal window and type in top. Just looking at this page shows that OSX runs as many, if not more, background processes than Windows.

So you can have Firefox, iTunes, Finder, Photoshop, Last.Fm, Football Manager and Adium all running, but the OS is still running perfectly. Could never run all those programmes at once on a Windows PC, it'd just explode unless you've got a ridiculous system.
I will admit that compared to the PCs I used when I was using the Mac at work, OSX did a better job at handling many running programs. For example, I'd walk in, log-in and open up Dreamweaver, Photoshop and InDesign, go get a cup of water and everything would be ready to go. However, the Mac that I was using was also more expensive than the PC I was using. If I bought the components at the same price and put Windows 7 on them, it would match up a lot better.

I love my iPhone as well, couldn't give a ████ if people think they're over-rated, or that other phone's have more features, better cameras etc; the iPhone does exactly what I want it to do, and does it perfectly.
I have an iPhone as well and there are many qualms I have about it, having used a BlackBerry Curve for about a year and a half previous to it.

No computer system comes without faults and no system is perfect, otherwise there would be no reason for continuous development.
No offense,But the only thing that I am able to make out from the Mac users' posts are that they are doing a superficial comparison of Mac with Windows.
Meh. I'm a Mac, we don't care for deep understanding of Operating Systems, we believe in style over substance and I'm proud of that fact. I don't know enough about the technicality of Computer systems for it to make a difference to my user experience, so I love owning a Mac. Couldn't care if I could buy a Windows Laptop with twice as much power, ram, graphics etc for the price I paid for my Macbook Pro, as it don't need that much. The system suits me perfectly, everything I need to do is catered for, and it looks sexy. What more could you want?

As for the Blackberry comment, eugh. My Dad's got one of the newer Blackberries and I hate it. The GUI is horribly laid out, frustratingly complicated to use and generally pretty damn ugly; and he's changed his theme and layout. The iPhone's GUI is brilliant. It's the best experience I've ever had with a touch screen phone, and it does everything i need a phone to do, and it does it brilliantly, quickly and stylishly. Again, what more could you want?
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Meh. I'm a Mac, we don't care for deep understanding of Operating Systems, we believe in style over substance and I'm proud of that fact. I don't know enough about the technicality of Computer systems for it to make a difference to my user experience, so I love owning a Mac. Couldn't care if I could buy a Windows Laptop with twice as much power, ram, graphics etc for the price I paid for my Macbook Pro, as it don't need that much. The system suits me perfectly, everything I need to do is catered for, and it looks sexy. What more could you want?

As for the Blackberry comment, eugh. My Dad's got one of the newer Blackberries and I hate it. The GUI is horribly laid out, frustratingly complicated to use and generally pretty damn ugly; and he's changed his theme and layout. The iPhone's GUI is brilliant. It's the best experience I've ever had with a touch screen phone, and it does everything i need a phone to do, and it does it brilliantly, quickly and stylishly. Again, what more could you want?
We're not saying you should have bought a system with twice as much power which you might not need! :p We're just saying that with much less price you could've got yourself a system which was only as fast and looked sexy as well, that's all. ;) Though I acknowledge that style does hold a lot of value for most people, but then different people are allowed to have different opinions aren't they?
Of course they are, not disputed that fact. If people want to own a Windows system, and pay out the money I'd pay out for a Mac then it's up to them. Not going to slag anyone off for doing that, just that, for my needs, the Mac suits me perfectly. I love the design of the Macbook Pro hardware, the Unibody design is excellent, the battery life is very good, the operating system works very nicely, is very fluid and looks lovely, and it makes me look a heck of a lot cooler using it than using an Alienware or a Dell......anyone that takes that last comment seriously and bitches will get shot

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