So how will it be?

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International Cricketer
Mar 28, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned


* Total Control: PES Productions has enhanced the 360-degree passing ratio, offering unprecedented levels of control over every pass, shot, throw-in, through ball and lofted through balls. This allows users to pass the ball into space, and move their play with total freedom. Players must precisely weight their passes and second-guess the runs of their team-mates and exploit their movement. Players even can apply pressure on opponents to force them off the ball.
* Shot & Stamina Gauge: In addition to the generic power gauge, the Shot & Stamina meter details the player’s exact level of fitness. Constantly sprinting will affect the player’s movements and will have an adverse affect on his stats, with passes going awry and a loss of pace.
* New Defender AI: Defenders now hold their positions naturally, no longer chasing any ball that enters their area; preferring to close down the attacker and force them into a mistake.
* Animation and Player Physics: PES Productions has totally reworked every element of in-game animation. These additions will become clear before even kick-off, with the players enjoying fluid, natural movements, with more realistic acceleration and inertia than ever before. The physicality between players is also improved, which was a priority requested in PES forums. Jostling and blocking now looks stunning, while there is a larger variety of convincing tackling styles. Ambient animation also adds immensely to the in-game atmosphere, as players behave realistically when off the ball, and walk and run with a variety of individual styles.
* Speed of Play: The new level of control means that PES 2011 enjoys a more considered pace of play, which varies dependent on situations. The game will burst into life as counter-attacks come into play, but players can dictate the pace via slow build up or exploiting available space to surge forward. It is harder to make long runs from midfield, and successful play will depend on making quick passes to make room.
* Aesthetics: PES 2010 showcased the best likenesses in a football game, and PES 2011 ups the ante further. Facial animation has been enhanced, but the key advances are over 1000 all-new animations which have been recreated from the ground up using over 100 hours of motion captured footage. Every aspect of player movement has been reworked, with more organic runs, turns, throw-ins, tackles, and interaction. The way players speed up and slow down is also more natural, while replays display elements of motion blur that bring your saved goals to vivid life.
* Tactical and Strategy: The sheer number of options available in the PES series has established it as a remarkably flexible simulation, allowing players to stamp their playing style on each match. The PES Productions team has implemented an all new ‘Drag and Drop’ mechanism that can be used in every aspect of team management, not just substitutions or formation changes. These settings are also animated to promote better understanding of the plays that have been altered.
* Feint settings: PES has always offered a wide range of subtle skills, feints and turns, but PES 2011 allows users to map their favourite move sequences to the right stick, making them more accessible than ever before.
* Master League Online: Master League will offer an all-new challenge, as users are invited to try their hand against other managers online. PES 2011 will mark the online debut for its much-loved Master League element, with players bidding against each other for the world’s best players, and attempting to build a squad that can compete with the best against online peers all over the globe.

Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360, PC
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nice to hear it is still released on pc :banana2
and pes 10 was much better than fifa on pc :yes
wish codies could learn something from this and make a better cricket game on pc:(
Who cares about PC gaming. FIFA was better on consoles, the PC version is a dumbed down version for a reason.

Looks decent, I will be getting the demo for sure, but probably not the full game as I think I'm over soccer sims.
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[B]Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360, PC[/B][/QUOTE]

May well not get it then, I don't play games on the PC that last longer than an hour and I've no immediate intentions of buying a PS3 before they have a good management game, perhaps cricket and other games worth getting ie I'll wait until the platform takes off, I've no blu-rays and I gather it is not backward compatible to PS2 either so might as well be a X-box.​
You won't be playing and PS2 games other than the classics when you get a PS3.
You won't be playing and PS2 games other than the classics when you get a PS3.

Don't count on it, if you're saying what I think you're saying. That is IF I get a PS3, it's yet to sell itself to me that's for sure. But one thing you should understand with me is that graphics don't count for much compared to GAMEPLAY and other more important factors. On the old Speccy 128 there was a game called Amaurote, fantastic graphics and eerie 50s sci-fi music, but the game was pants. Clearly the better the gameplay possible, the likelier it is the graphics won't be too bad because to attain one at a decent level the chances are the console can achieve similar in the other, but I'd rather the graphics were basic and the game programmers spent 75%+ of their time on making the game good.

What do they do on PES? Ponce about a bit with the controls, a little bit with the AI and update the rosters without any consideration for other factors. Are the last three that much different or is it just they focus on the newer consoles and don't bother much with others.....................?

As it happens I might just go on Amazon now and see what games are available on potential new consoles
Who cares about PC gaming. FIFA was better on consoles, the PC version is a dumbed down version for a reason.

Looks decent, I will be getting the demo for sure, but probably not the full game as I think I'm over soccer sims.

Then why is it that 99% of games that come out on PC and console are superior on PC? :sarcasm

The PC version is dumbed down for a reason, what reason is that then? That the PC can't match the consoles? :laugh :laugh :laugh :sarcasm

Also Konami, no word on whether there will be more than six leagues. No word on whether the awful sound has been improved, or whether the away fans will make a return...

Promises, promises.

Edit: @Owzat - nothing and I mean nothing on the Speccy had 'fantastic graphics', even for the time. The Commodore 64 was king of that era, before it was made obsolete by the Amiga.
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Problem is the best games never get released on PC, hardly any decent games other than RTS games and some RPG games are PC exclusives. How are they better, do you think? You can see the characters' facial hair better :laugh ?

The reason it is dumbed down is PC is inferior.

But anyway, let's not get on to that.

@Owzat: I also prioritise gameplay over graphics, and also sound over graphics, but why would you chuck out your PS2 when you buy a PS3? Keep both.
Make a new thread pc vs console

also no pc is not inferior than console

pc is much superior platform than console
Edit: @Owzat - nothing and I mean nothing on the Speccy had 'fantastic graphics', even for the time.

That is by speccy standards, and how do you know what Amaurote's graphics were like? I doubt you'd ever heard of it
OK I'm looking to buy a soccer game for PS3 because they're awesome to play with mates. Should I get the current FIFA world cup game or wait for FIFA 11 or PES 2011? I don't really know whats better between PES and FIFA because I've never played PES before. Any suggestions.
Fifa 10 is really fun with friends but the goalkeeper will infuriate you. He can be ridiculously brilliant and ridiculously stupid without a real in between. I would wait for the reviews of FIFA 11 and PES 2011. Both seem to be advertising the same new feature (improved passing to remove the ping-pong style play).

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