Your Cricket Physical Fitness in Cricket-need Some Aussie Fitness Tips

I do very little cricket related fitness, but I work on muscle training. I do 300 sit ups a day, every day, 100 arm crunches with weights, 50 with dumb-bells and 50 with a bar, I also do 50 bench presses with the bar. It's just to build up my shoulders and my arms, and I'm planning on having a 6 Pack by my holiday in december, gotta have a sexy beach body tbh.

daaam bro

and how old are u, i dont want to lift weight cause that will decrease my height
I play tennis and do all the conditioning that comes with that. Mainly cardio and stamina building stuff, doesn't do much batting wise but does make me a better bowler and fielder.

Work a lot on my legs.
daaam bro

and how old are u, i dont want to lift weight cause that will decrease my height

I'm 18. It's not that hard work, takes about 15 minutes max to do. I enjoy doing it though, it's not a chore, always feel pumped and good once I've finished. Been doing it about 3 weeks and it's had abit of an effect on my cricket, I've actually started to bowl abit quicker already.
I generally do;
10 minutes on a treadmill - Level 14.
10 minutes on a bike - Level 9.
Rowing Machine - 5000metres.
Every 3 days.

It's not much, but I do a lot of core work like the plank and other exercises at home everyday. Although this winter I want to get to some Polymetrics training and push on what I do at the gym.
KP sit ups are a bit of a waste of time, best off just sticking to crunches.

I remember when I started working out and felt my pace go up, then I restarted boxing and worked out a lot more so had to stop because you don't too have too much muscle to bowl quick, be in shape but not go ott.

chimp gyms are alright but i know loads of people who work out from home. It's a lot cheaper just to do a few crunches and planks in your living room.
lol ive got a rowing machine ;) haha i dunno how long i should do on it though = \ animator do you know how many rows 5000 meters is ? my rowing machine does time, numer of rows, calories, rows per minute.
daaam bro

and how old are u, i dont want to lift weight cause that will decrease my height

lolz nice one stupid as hell here is the truth i lift weights i am 15 and u dont decrease u r height u can damage u r growth plates thats all so for example u can have 1 foot bigger than the other one but only if u lift the maximum u can so just do normal so u can do about 30rep 5times thats how i do it
Urban myth, mate.

its true bro

i wont be as tall if i wouldnt have lift weight at puberty ages

6 x Afridi added 0 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

lolz nice one stupid as hell here is the truth i lift weights i am 15 and u dont decrease u r height u can damage u r growth plates thats all so for example u can have 1 foot bigger than the other one but only if u lift the maximum u can so just do normal so u can do about 30rep 5times thats how i do it

well bro ur 5'5
im 5'11
we are almost same age.

you lift weights, i dont
its true bro

i wont be as tall if i wouldnt have lift weight at puberty ages

Lifting weights at early-teens is not wise if you do not have an instructor or trainer to watch your technique as bodyweight exercises are sufficient and there is a risk of injury. Also, take a look at this.
Lifting weights at early-teens is not wise if you do not have an instructor or trainer to watch your technique as bodyweight exercises are sufficient and there is a risk of injury. Also, take a look at this.

man my gym teacher said its ok to lift weights but dont lift the max u can just try to lift normal like so u can repeat it for 5reps and it doesnt hurt u lolz unless u wanna be big and try to lift the max u r dead u r growth plates are damaged lol

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