Your Cricket Physical Fitness in Cricket-need Some Aussie Fitness Tips

Before I went to the Boxing Gym in my house, I punched without the boxing gloves (whatever you call it) really hard, and my knuckles had started bleeding. Since then I have stopped thinking about Boxing :D
Lifting weights does not stunt growth, I asked a doctor about this, and he said it could in fact increase growth.

I had a team mate in a District U12 team, he was a fast bowler and he used weights at 12 years old, and he was the tallest in the team.
Can some one give me any excersies how to control your stance while batting, and i need to improve my fielding.

If you're asking me to change my diet, well i eat paratha, and lot of indian food
Can some one give me any excersies how to control your stance while batting, and i need to improve my fielding.

If you're asking me to change my diet, well i eat paratha, and lot of indian food

lolz u r diet gotta be good to maintain a high level of fitness i think dont eat too many fat indian foods u know what i mean just eat good veg and non veg food and for the fielding u gotta practise hard and throw u r self around
Can some one give me any excersies how to control your stance while batting, and i need to improve my fielding.

If you're asking me to change my diet, well i eat paratha, and lot of indian food

What do you mean by 'controlling your stance?' Are you saying that sometimes your front foot suddenly juts off to the side towards the SL umpire? I think you have to see a doctor about that one.
Can some one give me any excersies how to control your stance while batting, and i need to improve my fielding.

If you're asking me to change my diet, well i eat paratha, and lot of indian food

Assuming by controlling it you mean being able to hold the correct stance and therefore play more correctly then all you really need to work on is core stability, legs and triceps. So basically all you'd need to do is squats and close armed push-ups. Although working just specific sets of muscles like that is never a good idea, you want to put at least some effort into the rest, even if it's not as much effort.
Man half of you guys are machines if what you say is true. I'm a bit more lazy lol, but I have an ok fitness program. I do 150 sit ups each day (very easy i know). Then I do push ups and try to get one more than my previous day. It works quite well and I'm in the early 40's now, getting very tiring. I don't run in my free time though, lol I only work on the parts of the body that can show easy results.
lolz bm 40pushups man thats nothing lolz jk i have beaten my record 85push ups in a min it sucks but cant beat the record of the school
lolz bm 40pushups man thats nothing lolz jk i have beaten my record 85push ups in a min it sucks but cant beat the record of the school

Hmm well its not possible to do 85 proper push ups in a minute. Proper push ups you are supposed to have a sound routine, Each of my push ups take around 1-2 seconds. You need to go up hold down, up hold down continuously. 85 in a minute,...

Anyway its not about how many you can do in a minute, more about consistency and repetition.
The faster you do push ups, or most exercises for that matter, the less you work the intended muscles as it becomes about momentum and harnessing momentum more than muscles.

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