Planet Cricket European Championship 2012

My net is solved and I'm back.
Right seeing as it is now 2011 (Happy New Year to everyone) it is time to get this up and running again. I'm thinking of the timings to be this Saturday or Sunday? But whilst I have been thinking about it there are few things I want to put to a vote, if it was one I would make a poll, but it's two and I wouldn't mind getting things started this weekend to be honest.

1st thing's first, how should we assign the teams to each manager? I'm fairly sure we aren't gonna be able to pick as it will take too long and also people will want the same teams. So, my idea is that we do it as a random draw from a piece of software I have called 'The Hat' that randomly picks names from a list. We could do this two ways;

Option 1: All 16 teams are thrown into the 'hat' to be drawn out at random. This means that a manager could end up with the lowest ranked team of the 16 and would make for a bit of a struggle. There would be two lists, one for the teams & one for the managers. The two first picks would be combined and so on and so forth, for example if the first 3 teams picked in order were; Spain, England & Croatia and the first 3 managers picked in order were; Bevab, Themer and Jack, then Bevab would get Spain, Themer would get England and Jack would get Croatia and so on and so forth.

Option 2: Option 2 only the top ranked teams are picked for the draw leaving the lowest ranked teams out of it. If we took the current list of applicants as final then only the top 8 or 9 teams would be picked to go into the draw and no one would have to worry about getting a crappy side only a more crappy side. The draw would still work in the same way where in each draw the team you get corresponds with where you come out in the draw and where the team got pulled out. It would still be random like option 1, not that if you get picked first you get the highest ranked side.

The second thing is how the European Championships should be played, there are two ways in which we can do this;

Option 1: We get online for a big group and play the game all together for say however many sittings it takes. The advantage is that everyone is present and you see what's going on, get involved in the chat and we could progress fairly quickly. The disadvantage is that the fixtures are spread out over a period of time meaning that only 1 or 2 games are played per day and there could be some waiting around for some people.

Option 2: Option 2 tries to overcome the disadvantage of Option 1 where people don't have to sit around when they know there team isn't playing. With Option 2 I would release the fixture list and everyone would know when there games are supposed to be played. The manager then gets in touch with me as to a time they will be available to play their game and I will make sure the game is up and running for when they want to play it. This would mean that the actual amount of time needed to complete the whole thing would be a lot slower, this certainly works for the earlier stages where games are more spread apart, but when/if people progress to the latter stages more people will be needed at a time.

So for each problem just say if you would prefer Option 1 or Option 2 and hopefully we can get these views as soon as possible.
1st Q:2nd option
2nd Q:2nd option.

Would be not much free this saturday, might come on Sunday.
option two for each.

People could still come online to watch the other matches, providing the times were published here
Option 1 and option 1 but like Trev I'm not fussed if others want different.
Option 1 in the 1st Problem suits the better managers at FM and the people with more knowledge of the game whereas Option 2 is obviously the more casual not so knowledgeable game.

It seems like Option 2 is the best way to go about the time zones and other things for the earlier stages anyway. I think once we get past the group stage we can re-evaluate and see who is still in.
Well I'm still in.

For the first problem, I don't mind either. Can we get a list of the teams available in the whole thing and the likely 8 to be choosed if the second option is selected.

Definately option 2 for the second problem though as it will be more suitable for myself and would also help a lot more people, I'm guessing.
Can we get a list of the teams available in the whole thing and the likely 8 to be choosed if the second option is selected.

Yep the teams that have qualified for the 2011 European Championship in Poland & Ukraine are;


Via the FM Rankings as of the day of the draw the top 8 European teams (in order) playing are ; Germany, Spain, England, Holland, Portugal, Italy, Croatia & Serbia.

That leaves the bottom ranked 8 teams (not in order) as; Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland, Scotland, Belarus, Sweden, France & Russia.

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