PlanetCricket at the Ashes Cricket 2013 Preview

Well well, we've been here before! anyone who thinks there isn't some kind of issue with this game is deluded, not a single screen shot or even a few seconds of footage ??? :facepalm after the farce that was IC 2010, I don't trust anyone regarding cricket reviews.

I'm sure Graham Gooch's Cricket had live pitches back when I was at School 20 years ago, and If all they've got to boast about is a fielding editor, they really are having a laugh, for gods sake stop treating us like fools and tell us whats going on...all we want is a decent up to date cricket game that is playable and works online, without any major flaws! its impossible to eliminate all bugs from the best of games, never mind a low budget cricket title.

Haven't posted on here for a while, but like everyone else I'm hoping that someone will one day come up with a decent cricket game, instead of just ripping us off every few years :mad.

Why big up that event at Lords yesterday so much, IC2010 ( Codemasters) had an open session, if you could make it, with free food If I remember rightly, probably because they had nothing to hide!

roll on Friday June 21st where all will be exposed! Hope I am made eat humble pie....doubt it

I don't see myself as deluded but I will reserve judgement on the game until I have actually played it myself. If it is crap I will certainly express that then but I am hopeful that they have built a better base this time round. They have at least now gone the step of acknowledging that IC2010 was not the game it should have been and that they have really worked from the bottom up to improve the basics of the game.

As for the marketing strategy there is no doubt that questions have to be raised as to how they see that but they have obviously got a plan and are sticking to it. Whether I or you would have done the same thing is another matter.

At the end of the day as I said before until I have played the game myself will I know whether it is an improvement or not and hopefully by then all the negativity will have disappeared and we will be showing each other our scorecards and great catches etcetera etcetera......
As for the marketing strategy there is no doubt that questions have to be raised as to how they see that but they have obviously got a plan and are sticking to it. Whether I or you would have done the same thing is another matter.

The thing is, they want us to buy their game, but if there is to be no demo then they need to be showing it off as much as they possibly can. I'm too old, cranky and poor to take yet another chance on a cricket game.
The thing is, they want us to buy their game, but if there is to be no demo then they need to be showing it off as much as they possibly can. I'm too old, cranky and poor to take yet another chance on a cricket game.

I know but if you are anything like me you will look in the draw or cupboard somewhere and find a whole stack of cd's and dvd's of all the games you have bought in the hope of finding the game that will do the simple job of giving a decent game of cricket....everytime I have said no, not this time, but the moment it is a sad reflection that my only enjoyment in a cricket game comes from short stints of bowling with Cricket 2004................although I should also mention the excellent games I am having with the still developing Cricket Heroes that has great depth and gameplay.......:
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I don't see myself as deluded but I will reserve judgement on the game until I have actually played it myself.

Ridiculous assertion. You clearly missed the memo where you're supposed to write this (or any) product off completely without a ball being digitally bowled. Obvious delusion, Dutch. Obvious.
@mrjfirth: @akshay_k90 Hey - Was just away for a few days: Big press event coming up on Friday at which loads will be shown.

The chief had told me there was a "big" press event on Friday where loads would be "shown". Can we please see what was shown as well?Considering we intend to buy this game and are really excited for it...?
The chief had told me there was a "big" press event on Friday where loads would be "shown". Can we please see what was shown as well?Considering we intend to buy this game and are really excited for it...?
It was shown to the press. The problem is that because they played the actual game live in front of them and not a pre-rendered video, therefore there wasn't the licensing approval to release that footage.

Every little screenshot/video needs to be approved by the licence holders, as they are using their IP to promote the game.
They should had press meet once all things are done such as licencing etc etc....:p
i hope they would release gameplay atleat ipl is over....even big ant have to release their gameplay or screenshots....please dont delay it would be great with two cricket games for this summer and enjoy with cricket....hope so june 21st is confirmed for AC2013....:)
Less than 1 month remains and game is still in production/making.Not a single ingame video or not even a screenshot not even a summery for final features! And they expect us to buy this game at 21st!?Seriously!Yeah i know cricket games has niche market blah blah blah..but please stop treating us like this.Even low budget indie games have better marketing and PR than you guys.
I agree with some of the points raised about their marketing. The game is due on the 21st of june under a month away, correct me if I'm wrong? But we're yet to see even a screenshot....:spy
I think everyone just needs to have faith in the developers and keep an open mind. Everyday we get closer to its release and I'm sure they would love to show us what they have worked so hard on. But if the difference between good and bad is one day, I would rather wait 1 day...
hey guys just wait till 21st atleast.Guys just remember that the last game released was in hold your horses and wait till the right time comes.Just by writing off ashes cricket 2013 and saying its just a patch of IC 2010 the developers and the licence holders are not gonna release the screenshots.Moreover they are just fixing the bugs which is gonna be good for people like us who will eventually be buying the game.
Why not provide some previews of something in the game which is not related to the licence issues? :rolleyes
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even though big ant studios did not announce the release date of cricket academy they released a screenshot and atleast cricket academy beta...but AC2013 announced the release date and conducted a press conference but not even a single detail about the game...this decreases the game popularity and faith in giving us a good game....apart from this it is said that game looks like IC2010... i think gamers are losing their hope on AC2013 which helps big ant cricket a lot... being one of the top game developers, why trickstar did not realise that there is another game which is giving a heavy competition for them??? lets see whats the reason for not revealing the game the game going to create sensation or they just creating a buzz.....

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