Planetcricket Awards 2007 - Nominations

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Best Cricket Story thread - Indias Journey to the World Cup - Surendar

The best story around at hte moment, ocming second is Gamerkids. Surendar has put so much effort into the story:clap
I have updated the first post.
Please make sure you check it as an awful lot of nominations have either been made originally or subsequently.
I don't want to have to keep checking and finding that nominations have been made already.
Best Young Member - Drewska
Most Helpful Member - Drewska
Best Post Contributor - Sureshot
Best Cricket Chat Thread - Pakistan in England/Scotland
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Sorry, didn't realize he was banned?

Well then:

Best Download thingy - SkinnyWicket's Face Thread
but iam not banned!!!they have closed my thread without any reason.NO JUSTICE HERE AT PC

Right now you're not no but you have been banned in the past year for plagiarism.
As for your download thread it's being dealt with so please don't spam up the nominations thread.
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