haha brilliant
Mark added 0 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...
damn given out too much rep, will do tomorrow
Mark added 0 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...
damn given out too much rep, will do tomorrow
There once was a bloke called Mark,
He thought he was a bright spark,
But then one day his lady did say,
Oh dear Mark I'm actually gay,
And poor old Mark felt left in the dark.
Sorry to break your secret Mark
There in the London, the cats few,
They Shout loudly called,mew mew;
Their Sounds make people mad,
And the people in London were very sad.
There is a man fat and round
Definitely not mentally sound
talks and forgets what he said
its about time, he be dead
his corps may never be found
has ruined the sport we love
may i find a thing to shove
up his old freaking BUTT
so it may forever be shut
And there it is, my my limerick above
This is why I barely post now Was he dropped on his bead as a baby? Definetly