Player Editing Tutorial

Training and Physio / Finances in Editor

Total training and physio sessions are pretty easy to alter using ArtMoney ... but as I understand it, we want a reliable and unique memory reference (like the Date of Birth used for players) in order to pinpoint the correct memory locations for the editor.

Is this correct so far? Has anyone looked for/found such a reference for training+physio?

I presume some similar reference would need to be found in order to edit club finances in the Editor. In this case, Basic Budgets aren't always unique... but I think expenses normally are (for example, search for the sequence "50000 50000 50000" or whatever).
Then, Basic Budget is 0x10 (16) memory locations before this sequence.

In fact, I think any of the possible combinations of 10,000-50,000 will be unique, except 30000 30000 30000 (used by all computer teams).

Does anyone agree that it would be nice to add extra training and physio sessions? I think they are always 0x18 (24) memory locations apart. However, I'm not too confident about how the data is represented (i.e. how many bits are allocated to represent each of these numbers). I have a hunch that number of Physio sessions is only 4 bits (half a byte).

If anyone thinks this is worth pursuing, I can try - but there have been some very capable people on this thread who might do a better job. I'm better with C/C++ than C#, but I'll have a look at the code sometime.
I did once find where expenses where but changing the physio and/or trainer one doesn't change how many sessions you get...
Yes I also found that changing the expenses does not change the sessions... you have to alter the number of sessions directly. I only mentioned the expenses because they can be used as a unique memory reference for finding the Basic Budget (which isn't always unique).

Finding the memory locations for training/physio sessions is a little more tricky... but after a few minutes I can get training and physio for every player in the squad. However, I'm pretty sure these values reset every season - so it would be nice to get an editor to do it quickly and easily.

I guess I'm lazy, but I would also prefer to edit Basic Budget within the editor, even though this is very simple using ArtMoney.
are the memory locations for training/physio together or are they with the player data?
Numbers of Training sessions and Physio sessions are near each other (the gap is 24 bits). However, there is probably also a value attached to each player to signify whether they are having training (and type of training) and/or physio.

Since the Editor is already designed to access memory locations within the player data, it might be easier to reference these values (if they exist)... but this is not so useful, since you would have to set training+physio for every player individually (which would take a long time, switching back and forth to the editor).

So, instead of using Date of Birth to search through player data, it would be useful to find a reliable reference to this club Training+Physio data. I haven't looked very hard... hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult.

I had a look at the source code and it doesn't look too scary, so I might have a go at coding something over the weekend... but I'm pretty sure someone here could do it much more quickly than me...
Yes I actually do seem to remember finding a training/physio thing in the player data but i could only change what a person had and I had to have spare sessions so I didn't think it was very important. But if there is a value that determines how many you are allowed, that would be helpful. I might have a look later.
ok after some very helpful correspondence with Fe, I understand the problem much better. (Fe is a legend).

I have found a 4-level pointer to the coaching sessions. I've got to go away for a couple of days, but if my work so far is ok, then this will not take long to code. If this works, physio sessions will follow very quickly afterwards.
How about the stats bug? Has any bowler crossed the 2000 wicket mark in FC matches? This was a limitation in previous versions where the counter used to reset. Atleast the 5 wkt hauls don't have a counter reset after 100 5-fors in FC matches so far.
In previous games the 5 wicket hauls didn't reset, it was just that there was not enough room to put the number into the space. Not sure whether the 2000 wicket mark has been fixed though.
Added Features

Similar to the additions I made for the ICC 2009 Editor:

I've coded a couple of extra features - Coach/Physio Editing and Club Budget Editing. I know these things are pretty easy to do using a memory editor, but I find it useful to have everything in the same place... so I located the pointers and coded them in.

This executable works perfectly for me... but you should first test that the player editor loads players correctly for you, then try out the club editing options I added.

To increase Coach/Physio sessions, you should be in the "Coach and Physio" screen in ICC2008. Club Budget seems to work in many places except for the coach+physio screen (for example the "Team Details" page works).


  • ICC 2008
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Hey dudes, I have ICC 3. But I'm having trouble editing some things.
I have worked out a few things (Such as Nationality, Age, Batting ability). But there are some things that I cant get to change the way I want, or I cant find.
Basicly all I want to have is;
An Allrounder (RHB/SLA) or the like, As a world class bat/bowler. (not too great at batting, but bowling I want to be really good).
(Very Aggressive, with no other preferences).

I'd hate to ask someone to take up their time to help me, but if someone could make this player I would be greatly appreciative.
Basicly I've struggled at making him 'Very Aggressive'. The highest he will go is 'Aggressive'. Also I cannot remove the preferences.

Would anyone be able to help me out here ? :)
I think it should very similar to ICC08 so if you look back a bit for anarchy's post on editing you may be able to edit him... The post was onlike page 19 or something

Here it is
I'm having slight problems with ICC09. I understand all the Artmoney stuff, and how to change salary, etc.

However, when I open the dataT file with a Hex Editor, no names display. Throughout the whole document is just filled with random A..u.y,K.E..^...* etc. and no people.

Also, I don't know how to convert a DOB to hex. There was a DOB converter that Chewie posted up but it says it is an invalid file format when I try to open it which never happens with any of the other .zip files..

Help please. D:

Edit: Never mind. I found the second version of that as it appears the first one was a corrupted rar as MrTwisties pointed out. All working good now, except for the hex thing, but I'm not too bothered right now as it doesn't really have any impact now.
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We haven't figured out how to edit the actual database files yet, we can only edit the save game database files. To do that look at the Editing ICC2009 thread.
OK - I downloaded the ArtMoney table and I'm using it to find out all of the players ratings, thanks anyway. :)

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