PlayStation 4

The PS4 will probably start at around $400 but the thing is that recently I checked on amazon for Watch Dogs (PS4) the pricing for it is $100.

PS2 Games: $40
PS3: $60
PS4: $100??

And it will take a few months before all the decent games are compact-able on the PS4.
The PS4 will probably start at around $400 but the thing is that recently I checked on amazon for Watch Dogs (PS4) the pricing for it is $100.

PS2 Games: $40
PS3: $60
PS4: $100??

If that turns out to be the case, then it's absolutely ridiculous.
Is the word out on whether we will need to stay connected to play offline too?

That can't be true coz you will be losing out on millions of folks who don't have their consoles connected online.

By the way does anyone know what the format of PS4 games would be? Is it gonna be Blu Ray or something else?
The always online thing was rubbish. Although rumours still abounding that Microsoft might take that route.

So far early signs are suggesting the Ps4 is a very developable piece of kit. Going to be interesting.
The PS4 will probably start at around $400 but the thing is that recently I checked on amazon for Watch Dogs (PS4) the pricing for it is $100.

PS2 Games: $40
PS3: $60
PS4: $100??

An article on ign says the games will be priced between $0.99 to $60, and every game can be tried out (demos, I presume) before buying.
Yeah anyone who thinks the games will be priced that high is missing some brain cells...


(much like anyone who uses IGN though :p )
What is the point of a PS4, when the PS3 does everything?
What is the point of a PS4, when the PS3 does everything?

The PS3 doesn't do everything. That's like saying the original Xbox was the very limit of a games console. There's better hardware out there now, to give us better graphics and more possibilities in a game.

The PS3 beat the Xbox 360 for me because of its free online play, quieter system and lack of a power brick. I just worry the next gen consoles will focus too much on sharing (I dislike other people) and motion controls (too lazy for that).
Everything that's been released about the Ps3 so far has been excellent news. Seems massively gamer centered. The 360 seems to be going far further down the kinect and social side of things.

Sony may have lost the first half of this generation, but they're rapidly clawing it back with excellent service through things like Ps+ (Sleeping Dogs free this month, Mass Effect 3 next month is mental). Early signs are they're not going to make such a cock up with the next one. All developers, which is what a system will live and die by, are saying it's very easy to develop for, and by going for 8gb of high performance ram tailored specifically for gaming it'll provide surprisingly excellent performance considering a lot of people were expecting the next gen to be hampered by the economic situation.

Sony's great idea for the Ps3 was "the cell." Which proved to be a bit of a disaster, but they've learnt from that, and I hope the ps4 really doesn't let itself down... still won't get one until they start coming down in price though. I'm just far too poor to think about it for a while :p
It's a bit of a rubbish looking console generation at the moment, even less of a step up from the PS2->PS3.

Consoles are further behind the curve than they've ever, probably the best time to invest in a proper PC gaming rig.

I'll still end up getting it, just like I did with the WiiU and will with the NextBox but it's looking like the console industry is becoming more and more stagnant and reliant on existing IPs, with little innovation as publishers are afraid to take risks.
It's a bit of a rubbish looking console generation at the moment, even less of a step up from the PS2->PS3.

Consoles are further behind the curve than they've ever, probably the best time to invest in a proper PC gaming rig.

I'll still end up getting it, just like I did with the WiiU and will with the NextBox but it's looking like the console industry is becoming more and more stagnant and reliant on existing IPs, with little innovation as publishers are afraid to take risks.

First part of this is not really true, but sure, doesn't usually stop people around here :lol We'll see what happens when it finally does release, but ALL DEVELOPERS have stressed how easy to code for the Ps4 is so far, a massive change compared to the difficulties 3rd parties had with the Cell for so long. Not to mention the bizarre decisions Sony made with regards to some of their ram/gfx memory in the Ps3 that often left multi platform games underwhelming on their console. Sure, the consoles will be surpassed by things like Nvidia's new Titan gfx card, but the price of a PS4 weighing in at between 300-450 pounds, they'll not be a PC around for a good couple of years that is likely to provide the same gaming specific performance for the price. Specs and numbers only ever tell a small part of the performance story. A massive big people carrier might have a bigger engine than a sleek, lightweight sportscar, but the latter will go faster.

Second part, maybe so, but we'll see what the devs do when things like the new dualshock, wii gamepad, and kinect 2.0 are far more universal in terms of being built into the existing consoles. The weird thing is the Ps3 move was comfortably the most accurate of the motion control systems, but Sony basically gave it no support, and almost let it die. So it'll be interesting to see how it gets treated with the Ps4. Risk is certainly, well, "more risky" so to speak in the current climate, but that isn't to say the indie scene on consoles and Pc isn't thriving to some degree. Creativity is finding it easier to flourish (even including such things as phone apps/games) from small independent developers, but most mainstream game buyers stick to whatever their friend is playing. It becomes almost a vicious cycle. I'd say a lot of the middle budget games that provide fairly high production values combined with slightly more interesting gameplay are the ones struggling most at the moment. THQ obviously going under recently and selling off their IP a prime example of a publisher who had actually released some pretty decent content in recent years, but obviously not made any money when compared to the likes of COD, Fifa, Battlefield... the end.
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First part of this is not really true, but sure, doesn't usually stop people around here :lol We'll see what happens when it finally does release, but ALL DEVELOPERS have stressed how easy to code for the Ps4 is so far, a massive change compared to the difficulties 3rd parties had with the Cell for so long. Not to mention the bizarre decisions Sony made with regards to some of their ram/gfx memory in the Ps3 that often left multi platform games underwhelming on their console. Sure, the consoles will be surpassed by things like Nvidia's new Titan gfx card, but the price of a PS4 weighing in at between 300-450 pounds, they'll not be a PC around for a good couple of years that is likely to provide the same gaming specific performance for the price. Specs and numbers only ever tell a small part of the performance story. A massive big people carrier might have a bigger engine than a sleek, lightweight sportscar, but the latter will go faster.

Second part, maybe so, but we'll see what the devs do when things like the new dualshock, wii gamepad, and kinect 2.0 are far more universal in terms of being built into the existing consoles. The weird thing is the Ps3 move was comfortably the most accurate of the motion control systems, but Sony basically gave it no support, and almost let it die. So it'll be interesting to see how it gets treated with the Ps4. Risk is certainly, well, "more risky" so to speak in the current climate, but that isn't to say the indie scene on consoles and Pc isn't thriving to some degree. Creativity is finding it easier to flourish (even including such things as phone apps/games) from small independent developers, but most mainstream game buyers stick to whatever their friend is playing. It becomes almost a vicious cycle. I'd say a lot of the middle budget games that provide fairly high production values combined with slightly more interesting gameplay are the ones struggling most at the moment. THQ obviously going under recently and selling off their IP a prime example of a publisher who had actually released some pretty decent content in recent years, but obviously not made any money when compared to the likes of COD, Fifa, Battlefield... the end.
I think the word I'm seeing used a lot is "potential" and it seems like the exact same scenario around the time the PS3 hype came about, we had all the talk of what the machine could potentially do and how its specs gave it an advantage over the 360, which all turned out to be bollocks when the 360 tended to get the better end of the multi-platform deal.

All this rubbish that Sony and Microsoft are bringing about with regards to making their consoles "media hubs", invading the living room and other things on the subject of gearing their consoles more towards entertainment centres is concerning, the share button fiasco encapsulates this quite well.

However, hardware potential can only be fully utilised with great software, so hopefully we can see more new successes like the Uncharteds, the Dead Spaces, inFamous this time round.

How much further do you think consoles could improve spec wise without burning down houses or costing ridiculous amounts? Steambox looks like an interesting concept and cloud gaming could be the next big thing (:().

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