I think the Smurf/Myself fight worked, because right at the end I had a lot of ppl convinced I was town.
I did not know that I need 1 less vote to be lynched. Nor that another player in this game would know. That was majorly unfair! Ruins the whole attempt to play the 'Unlynchable' role...and what else is surviving 1 lynch good for.
I killed p# and MaD, I gained 1 extra free kill when all my mafia mates died.
TBH I thought, from a townie point of view, the lynches of Sim/Adi/Chewie to be quite stupid. Adi's I went with, at that stage lynching someone for a poor defence seemed valid, but both Sim and Chewie had legitimately provided enough evidence and counters to prevent from being lynched. I geniunely would not have lynched them if I were town. Sim's net problems made him inactive towards the end which saw him go down, without adequate chance to rebut and well before time was up. Chewie's lynch just didn't make sense IMO. Would have been worth going for Afridirulez first then Vedarshi then Chewie at that stage - Afridirulez was giving massive anti town vibes, and in the situation where there was enough doubt about MaD being a mad-cop, it would have been safer to get rid of the poor townie player rather than the good one.
Sure they both ended up mafia, but if felt like a rookie poker player calling a pro player's bluff even though he really shouldn't - a stupid move speaking logically, but comes off because the player doing it doesn't realise what he's doing. Quite frustrating because we didn't play so badly. Apart from Adi who just gave up the second he used his poison role and decided he was useless...could have shown more fight.
As for BKB and P_Squared...I really wanted to kill them off earlier, but believe I had both their trust so I could keep them to the end. Also wasn't sure if P# and P_Squared were linked by cult or not, and if P# had a protecting role, so I wanted to kill P# before P_Squared.
Once I found out BKB was Mew and we were 'linked' I was worried that I might not be able to kill him or that killing him might reveal me or have an adverse effect on me so I decided to leave it for the end. Mistake there.
Oh - and the lynch of Vedarshi = total WTF moment. Made no sense.
Bit frustrating for the Mafia this, we shouldn't have lost this.
Overall a great game though, superb stuff Varun. Loved it. Think the balance was leaning to the town though (only 1 vanilla townie was too low, along with 3 townies with night kill roles) but worked out fine in the end. Had we had a bit more luck it would have been tighter.
Also how fitting...Pikachu and Mew the Pokemon left standing at the end