I was trying to show that Victreebel could be putting people to sleep. He used to eat James a lot
Now, onto the most important thing, I've been kind of suspicious of simsanta123.
After the write-up he said "I can make neither heads or tail of it." I obviously have no idea of his knowledge about Pokemon, but it seems like a bit of a stupid thing to post. If you look through his posts he's gone off topic quite a bit, and he's mentioned his noobness several times.
I think it's his first game, and since I can't really see anything else to do, I'm just going to put some pressure on him as no one did on day one.
Lynch: simsanta123
I might actually jump back on The Rock for the time being.
Lynch: The Rock
Trying to put some pressure lynches on sim when we aleady had some of them on p#? Seems like your diverting the attention from p# to sim since tbh p# seems more likely to make a mistake.
Also you had lynched the rock but then saw that no one else was suspecting him, unlynched him. But then you saw that some people were suspicious about the rock and then with this post you lynched him back.
If you were mafia then you would obviously know that he was townie and seeing that you had some support, you lynched him.
had to read alot-looking at the twins getting posioned,they must surely be either nidoran(m) and nidoran(f) or beedrill and butterfree.