Ponting's parents cop backlash

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Even if they did give birth tot he devil, its not their fault...;)

Well the truth is stating to come out in the aussie media - analyisis of the altercation shows symonds saying - "so i'm a monkey am I" in reply to what harbhajan had said. Then pointing steps in, to which he tells him that this is the second time and that he would be busted - this is irrefutable evidence and thank god Harbhajan is going to be busted, cause i'm sure if he had copped it on the chin no one would've cared in india, just as they didnt care after he accused the indian fans of racial taunts. It's amazing to hear that this is the second time he has called symonds a monkey and the first time they agreed not to press charges. Although I'm guessing Harbhajan will lie about that as well. Sounds like Proctor had a pretty easy decision to make, and no doubt the new kiwi judge will only deliberate for a an hour or so before handing down the guilty verdict. Shame that the indians are rigging the system to get Harbhajan to play in this series, cause he deserves to be banned for not only his racism, but for lieing and starting this whole fiasco. Mind you, I know a lot of us are looking forward to giving gij plenty of his own medicine when he arrives in Perth.

Now they are making and selling racist t-shirts in india - http://blogs.news.com.au/news/yoursay/index.php/news/comments/are_these_t_shirts_offensive_or_funny/
Paints a great culture in Harbhajan's defence don't it?
Lol, oh no...not this whole evidence thing again.


Its commonsense. Why would Aussies ring up to "threaten" Ponting's family? Thats just what I think - Im not implying they did it sorry, I just assumed (probably correctly).
It's not common sense, it is bias. I don't think you assumed correctly, either. It seems that there were plenty of Australians who did not feel particularly enamored with Ponting's captaincy.

Well the truth is stating to come out in the aussie media - analyisis of the altercation shows symonds saying - "so i'm a monkey am I" in reply to what harbhajan had said.
I'd very like to see an electronic source for this. Especially what this "analysis" comprises of.
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Well the truth is stating to come out in the aussie media - analyisis of the altercation shows symonds saying - "so i'm a monkey am I" in reply to what harbhajan had said. Then pointing steps in, to which he tells him that this is the second time and that he would be busted - this is irrefutable evidence and thank god Harbhajan is going to be busted, cause i'm sure if he had copped it on the chin no one would've cared in india, just as they didnt care after he accused the indian fans of racial taunts. It's amazing to hear that this is the second time he has called symonds a monkey and the first time they agreed not to press charges. Although I'm guessing Harbhajan will lie about that as well. Sounds like Proctor had a pretty easy decision to make, and no doubt the new kiwi judge will only deliberate for a an hour or so before handing down the guilty verdict. Shame that the indians are rigging the system to get Harbhajan to play in this series, cause he deserves to be banned for not only his racism, but for lieing and starting this whole fiasco. Mind you, I know a lot of us are looking forward to giving gij plenty of his own medicine when he arrives in Perth.

Now they are making and selling racist t-shirts in india - http://blogs.news.com.au/news/yoursay/index.php/news/comments/are_these_t_shirts_offensive_or_funny/
Paints a great culture in Harbhajan's defence don't it?

It looks like you are still stuck in the same mentality 2 days back and its not going to change. I for not once will support anyone dragging Pointings family and stop thinking that Indians were behind it. It could have been any normal Aussie guy who just did not like Ponting. Its not as if all Australia is worshipping Pointing like you all seem to do here.
Stop attacking Bhajji for the behaviour cos your players are no angels and those TSHIRTS are no where sold its just a website making fun of issue to get hits for advertising.
If you are not aware of procedure then any ICC descion against any player (that could be even the guy from Bermuda) can be challenged and the player is free to play untill the appeal is heard. Therefore Bhajji is eligible to play till hearing is closed and ther is noting ICC nor BCCI had to do with it. Its normal procedure. So stop making mole out of mountain by saying that he has been set free cos frankly his situation is still same as was on 6th Jan.
Hoop mate, I do think you were a little out of line making the assumption that it was Indian fans. Mate, there is a large portion of Australians who read biased-opinionated articles by ABC journalists and believe that Ricky Ponting should be sacked and that it is all his fault. So I would not be surprised if it was Aussie fans doing it.

Either way, it was weak from whoever did it.

Case closed!
Not fair at all, whoever did this needs to grow a pair.
Hoop mate, I do think you were a little out of line making the assumption that it was Indian fans. Mate, there is a large portion of Australians who read biased-opinionated articles by ABC journalists and believe that Ricky Ponting should be sacked and that it is all his fault. So I would not be surprised if it was Aussie fans doing it.

Either way, it was weak from whoever did it.

Case closed!

This is the best comment I've read in this thread so far.

Nobody knows who did it, but whoever did, it's out of line and very pathetic.
Exactly, so I hope everyone get's over their petty attempts at starting more rows by making biased judgement. Until there is solid evidence to say who did it, I think we should stick to the topic of how unfair it was, otherwise close the thread in the intention of preventing another degrading race row.
that's just low, their phone number might not be private number which most likely be in the white pages.

A family who was the mother and father of the captain of Australia would SURELY have their phone number private.
Exactly, so I hope everyone get's over their petty attempts at starting more rows by making biased judgement. Until there is solid evidence to say who did it, I think we should stick to the topic of how unfair it was, otherwise close the thread in the intention of preventing another degrading race row.

Your sig really sucks, it's a joke you can use in any situation, about anything.


This is a bad thread though. What, is someone going to say "Ricky Ponting's parents deserve this?" No.. It's obvious they don't and since we have no idea we did it, we can't really talk about much.
Your sig really sucks, it's a joke you can use in any situation, about anything.


This is a bad thread though. What, is someone going to say "Ricky Ponting's parents deserve this?" No.. It's obvious they don't and since we have no idea we did it, we can't really talk about much.

We were just letting people know what happened, just in case they didn't know.
A sig is a sig, and it's irrelevant to this thread! And everyone is entitled to their own sig.

I think this thread has served it's purpose of enlightening us to the fact that the Ponting family is suffering some very out-of-line abuse at the hands of overly-obsessed and overly-critical fans. I think this topic should be closed. It has served its purpose, and now veers off topic at the drop of a hat.

Consider this my request for a mod to close thread.
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A sig is a sig, and it's irrelevant to this thread! And everyone is entitled to their own sig.

I think this thread has served it's purpose of enlightening us to the fact that the Ponting family is suffering some very out-of-line abuse at the hands of overly-obsessed and overly-critical fans. I think this topic should be closed. It has served its purpose, and now veers off topic at the drop of a hat.

Consider this my request for a mod to close thread.

The only reason BONED! is still alive is because I don't kill people who think they are entitled to their own sig.

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