PS3 Online Match Up Thread

What exactly is the issue ? If you could be specific perhaps I can help you out.
online gaming still not working help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

Any issues with other games? What kind of network set-up you running? (wireless? use router? etc)

I remember when first getting my PS3, I had numerous issues with online games. Though in my case it was usually I could connect to randoms, but not to my mates who live less than 5mins away. But at other times couldn't connect to anyone.... at the time my only resolution was rebooting routers/modems/ps3 until it worked - usually 3-4 times at most.

Not sure what I did that resolved it for good, but below I have listed the things I went through that technically should have resolved it.... and now I have no issues (I just can't pinpoint which thing it was that fixed my issue).

Anyway, here is a list of things to check to get your PS3 running as smooth as possible online - simply google each point and you will easily find instructions on how to complete with screenshots;

1/ Set PS3 to static IP
2/ If only one PS3 in your house, put your PS3 into DMZ
4/ If running wireless, try changing to a LAN cable (I did this for my second PS3 so my gf could game with me. For some reason having one on wireless and one on cable created the occasional issues - at least I think that was the cause)
5/ Check your router and if you can, upgrade to a 'Type N' router. (I think the old type is 'Type G') ... upgrading my router probably made the biggest difference to me and connection to local friends. Before I upgraded, I generally had to reboot routers/modems (at both ends) to connect with my mates.
6/ Update firmware for modems/routers.

As I said I can't tell you which item is best, but I would suggest maybe working through them all till you get some joy. And if those things don't help, then I'm outta ideas sorry ;)
Had a good match with gougie
He batted first in the 20/20 match and I was able to restrict him to 150
Scored it in the 18th over with 3 wickets left. He bowled really good at the end and used custom fields. But I am getting used to them
Had a good match with Aslett as well. These guys give tough competition.
Had a good match with Aslett, he plays well through the leg side, so I had to get creative with my field placings.

Best players I have played so far (in no particular order):

annihillation666 (played him in the first 2 weeks after release, have not played since)

All these guys build innings, do not use unfair tactics and are talented. Play with ease of mind :)
zub2008 add me guys. played a few games online today against random people sadly few games the people had quit :-(
Had a good match with Aslett, he plays well through the leg side, so I had to get creative with my field placings.

Best players I have played so far (in no particular order):

annihillation666 (played him in the first 2 weeks after release, have not played since)

All these guys build innings, do not use unfair tactics and are talented. Play with ease of mind :)

Yeah. Thanks, I'll add them
If you play ODI's which I play a lot then play against these people

heqetus (Slogs a lot but is good at that)

Most top guys in that leaderboard for ODI suck
Chunnster doesn't plays against me because he is paranoid of me. I challenged him but he never will accept
EmusandImus who is second quit on me when I was winning convincingly. I gave him my piece of mind but he gives the excuse of lag when he was actually hosting LOL. Others I might have played but they quit or I won

I hope the patch comes soon so atleast the stats get recorded when people quit. Sometimes I go easy so that people I don't know don't quit
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I only play 2020s, I like to build an innings.

Chunnster once challeged me to a 2020, I had him at 40-9 odd and he quit. He also came onto PC for a bit but was banned. Just ignore him, he is not worth your time.
The online doesn't seem to be working, last time i checked there were plenty of games available but i couldn't connect to any of them.
The online doesn't seem to be working, last time i checked there were plenty of games available but i couldn't connect to any of them.

u need to specify your search... DO NOT click search all
go to browse -search ranked/unranked/match type and overs if odi....
this way only playable matches will come.
Yea make sure to browe by Ranked: Yes

otherwise you wont be able to play
hey Hmarka,

Good to see that you are an active memeber in this thread. I as not aware I could get so many PS3 ids, in just one go. I shall be sendin requests to many of them.
I too had connection probs: it said 'failed connection to host' So seems quite widespread this annoying issue. Hopefully I would get to compete online once I am through training mode.
Yeah. Thanks, I'll add them
If you play ODI's which I play a lot then play against these people

heqetus (Slogs a lot but is good at that)

Most top guys in that leaderboard for ODI suck
Chunnster doesn't plays against me because he is paranoid of me. I challenged him but he never will accept
EmusandImus who is second quit on me when I was winning convincingly. I gave him my piece of mind but he gives the excuse of lag when he was actually hosting LOL. Others I might have played but they quit or I won

I hope the patch comes soon so atleast the stats get recorded when people quit. Sometimes I go easy so that people I don't know don't quit

So your FAZZY my bro played you the other day with PSN ID RIZZYX, I'd like to give you a rematch myself, so add me
Not sure I ever put my PSN in this thread (or even if I have space on my PSN at moment) - but this is me: E-N-I-G-M-A

And tis funny, I see JEC1994 mentioned previously by Fazzy. I played him about 2 days ago, he batted first and was going well considering... then around the 12-14 over mark he quit, I was shocked as he was by far the best random I'd found for a long time and wasn't playing rash shots and a good match was developing.... so I msg'd him asking what happened - no reply so put him on my quit list.

Then yesterday I get a msg back from him, seems his dad got upset and turned off his PS3 on him :facepalm.... made me giggle a bit and took him off my quit list since he replied. But still had some reservations about playing him again.... but seeing his name here listed as ok by fazzy, I'll play him again should we run into each other again.

Anyway back on topic, if you try to add me but my PSN is full, just msg me so I can clear some... I created a new account for CoD and other games, so just need to remove some old names now to make room for cricket friends.

Oh and PS: From Australia... if you're not, expect a little lag if you play me sorry, but I don't bowl cheap 100% yorkers or real wide to take advantage of lag, so still give me a go :)
So your FAZZY my bro played you the other day with PSN ID RIZZYX, I'd like to give you a rematch myself, so add me

yeah anytime mate.. just mesg me here or on ps3. I am usually online between 8 to 10pm EST

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